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Thanks! im Plural: these und those.

7 "It does appear that Tobin was fairly active at those addresses at those times," he said.

Independent. Select Ascending (from small to large) or Descending (from large to small) order; Click Sort Numbers button. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. in these times refers to a span of time.

0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? The trays are in the seevant's hands, very near and visible to both of them. This noun is uncountable. Since I am not a native English speaker I was wondering which is more appropriate.

Grammar {{#verifyErrors}} at these times means a specific time; e.g., we have appointments at these times: 8:00am, 10:00, and 12:00pm, so you if you want to book an appointment, you must do so in these time periods.

It is very easy to use: Input or paste all numbers separated by comma, space or line break. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction.

Where the line is between 'these' and 'those' is sometimes a bit of a judgment call, but when there are two people, the speaker usually uses 'this' to refer to objects in their hands and 'those' to refer to objects in the other person's hands.

Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English Regarding the usage of "these" or "those" - In the famous BBC TV series, in an episode scene, Basel Faulty said to his Spanish servant "There is too much butter on those trays ". Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. {{#verifyErrors}}

It can be rephrased as follows:

I have seen that in certain places the phrase "remember those times that" is used, when I actually find it more natural to say "remember those times when". In the first sentence time refers to the amount of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, decades, centuries, millennia and so on. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. Proper electronic sound attenuators or musicians' earplugs should be used at those times ".

To affirm my understanding, I would ask one more question : whether Basel Faultu wold have said " Those trays are not thoroughly arranged " or " These trays....." pointing to the trays, not to some objects placed on them?I'm glad!

{{#verifyErrors}} The sentence contains offensive content. Tell us about this example sentence: This tool can instantly sort these numbers. Where the line is between 'these' and 'those' is sometimes a bit of a judgment call, but when there are two people, the speaker usually uses 'this' to refer to objects in their hands and 'those' to refer to objects in the other person's hands. 8. At those times of the month, the animal smell seeped through Queeda's perfumed defenses. The sentence contains offensive content.

For instance: "Remember those times that I met Bob" vs "Remember those times when I met Bob". For example, this era or in this day and age; e.g., in these times, a college degree isn't enough. There are some exceptions, but in general, the speaker will use 'these' to refer to things near them (not things near the listener) and 'those' to refer to things further away, or, in this case, in the hands of the listener.It was great help Kirk, thank you very much! For example, if I were touching the earrings, I would likely use Now I understand, I thought it was a physical distance, and I'll choose the demonstratives based on how near or far things/people are from me. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English Your feedback will be reviewed. "we use that to reply to someone something has said" why here have no preposition between someone and something in the above sentence.No preposition is needed in the sentence. Thanks! Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words. Dictionary Future: present continuous to talk about the future (Present perfect simple or present perfect continuous?


This is a great game. Your feedback will be reviewed.

The New Yorker. This, that, these, those - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary Independent .