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The Liwa-e-khuddam was to be hoisted at the second Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Ijtema on the 25th of December 1939. They are optional and you may choose not to use any and design your own poster from scratch (and infact this is preferable and should be done by your Ishaat Nazim). Les rassemblements collectives étant non conseillé pour la sécurité de tous, l'organisation de l'Ijtema annuel de Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya de France à été reporter pour une date ultérieur. Country Market, Malthouse and Osborne Farms, Kingsley, Bordon, GU35 0QP. Hafiz Muhammad Ahsan Ahmad (Southall) 2.

Par la grâce d'Allah Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya a l'honneur d'organiser sa première "Ilmi Rally en ligne" à partir du 28 juin 2020 inshallah. Rizwan Muhammad (Huddersfield South) 3. featured, ijtema, publications, Syllabus 2016-17. The MKA is a subsidiary…© Copyright 2020 Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK.

Cet article a pour but de vous montrer comment déposer votre audio à partir de votre téléphone portable ANDROID. Related Posts. MKA National Ijtema Syllabus 2018. Syllabus 2015-2016. Download ... Continue Reading → 6 FEB 2017. Posted by Muhtamim Ishaat | Feb 29, 2020 | Ijtema, National Ijtema | 0 | Share: Rate: Previous Highlights – 36th National Ijtema, Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Australia 2019. The theme for this year's Ijtema explains that the defence of the Imam is the Jihad of the age - this means that a true Khadim always seeks to aid his Khalifah by acting upon his directives, furthermore, he betters himself so that he can be of better service his Imam. PO.Box 206, Plumpton NSW 2761. TILAWAT 1. Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Deutschland Ewan-e-Khidmat Genfer Str. Head Office Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Australia 45 Hollinsworth Road, Marsden Park, NSW 2765. Voici une petite vidéo qui explique tout:Par la grâce d'Allah Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya a l'honneur d'organiser sa première "Ilmi Rally en ligne" à partir du 28 juin 2020 inshallah. ijtema@khuddam.co.uk. © 2017 All rights reserved, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Nigeria.Part of the events of the National Convention is the community development Part of the events of the National Convention is the community development Part of the events of the National Convention is the community development Contestants from all 36 states in the country compete for prizes in variousA major part of the convention is the sports competition which usually involveA major part of the convention is the sports competition which usually involvePlease enter the reCaptcha public and private keys inside the admin panel!The Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Nigeria (MKAN) 47th Annual National Youth Convention (Ijtema) with the tag #Offa2020 will be held at Offa Grammar School, Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria between A key aspect of Ahmadi Muslim Youths responsibilities is to ensure effective and efficient youth’s moral and spiritual development in this depraved society. Watch Queue Queue The official website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Com...An Official website of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UKCommemorating the life and works of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood AhmadraMuslim Television Ahmadiyya – Ondemand and Live streamingThe Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK  (MKA UK) is the UK’s oldest, largest and leading Muslim youth organisation. Besides, through its programmes, it instills the spirit of peace, love, brotherhood, equity, justice and good conscience among the youths (being in larger percentage as far as population is concerned) so that the world and society can be in harmony and tranquillity.A number of professionals, religious leaders, clergymen, government functionaries, youth leaders, Among programmes lined up for the 3-days programme include Welfare visitation of Prison Inmates, Free Health Care Delivery, Symposium, Voluntary Blood Donation, Educational Competitions, Sporting activities and so much more. Khuddam Syllabus for Ijtema 2017.