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This beginner friendly weapon allows new players to get a good grasp of the game's mechanics. It's adjustable and almost customisable iron sights, dependant on which barrel you choose, make it a nice weapon to use. Truth be told the weapon puts out enough damage over time to be considered a pretty viable choice in the realm of assault rifles, but the drawbacks are far too many. In both First and foremost, the AUG is a submachine gun. The Kilo 141 was already a serviceable weapon, but Battle Tested is among the better assault rifles in the game. It also is no slouch when it comes to medium or short-range encounters as it also has high mobility and feels easy to move around with. The MP5 makes its case as the true #1 sub-machine gun due to having many of the similar traits as the MP7 does. The M4A1 is an accurate and fast-firing assault rifle that can easily be controlled. If you're able to do this consistently then kills shouldn't be a problem. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offerGet PS5 ready with Official PlayStation Magazine's 180-page PlayStation 5 special issueReceive mail from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors? The AUG is the 6th Assault Rifle unlocked, at level 26. It’s generally better to use a dedicated sniper rifle than a DMR, but they can still decimate foes at long ranges. No modern shooter is complete without an AK – this one or a variant of the AK. The AUG is one of our favorite weapons in the game because of its versatility. The AN-94 Assault Rifle in Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone is a beast of a gun that can obliterate your opponents, you can unlock this weapon easily if you know what you have to do. Note that it lacks a foregrip.The Old Swarovski Scope on the AUG before the game was released. However, a patch severely reduced the handling of the FAMAS, giving it more recoil, a longer ADS time, and a larger hip-fire spread. Before a patch, the FAMAS was superior in many aspects compared to the AUG. It's excellent for sprinting around and hipfiring, so this setup reflects that, allowing you to reload quickly and keep your crosshair centred.Did you know the AUG can also be used as an assault rifle? Find info about the Warzone / Modern Warfare best loadout, how to unlock, unlock level, & setup for AUG. Today we are going to review some Top Class Setups for the AUG SMG in Modern Warfare. The AUG is the default weapon used by Hudson and all the members of the CIA in "WMD", equipped with a Suppressor, a Swarovski Scope, and a unique Yukon camouflage. The power of the weapon comes down to the player being able to land all 3 shots of its burst fire. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor,

Find out AR weapon features, traits, tips, newest Season 5 Assault Rifle and more! In conclusion, the AUG is commonly seen online due to its many key aspects, as the skilled player can easily pin down opponents with a massive amount of bullets and cause a lot of trouble for the opposing team due to this. It is somewhere in between a SMG and an Assault Rifle. As far as accuracy is concerned, the user will have to be very accurate to use it well. The The AUG is most commonly compared to the FAMAS, due to their similar iron sights, rates of fire, and damage profiles. Modern Warfare kept this name of the real gun intact also. The AMS or aim-down-sights for the MP5 is also incredibly fast and can make all the difference in close-quarters situations.Its recoil isn't terrible but it is something you need to get used to so you can control it effectively.

Assault Rifles have been a significant part of the Call of Duty franchise for many years, and we would expect nothing less from the upcoming Modern Warfare soft reboot.

Well, look no further than the FAL. It's one of the few weapons that can take on several forms solely based on what the player attaches to it. It also happens to fall into the camp of fan-favorite guns from other The AUG is very versatile, and as its name suggests it welcomes any and all augments. Both of them provide solid damage output, mobility, and versatility in combat. The new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare features a wide variety of assault rifles … If a player has the right amount of skill and patience they could use this sub-machine gun at pretty long distances and be pretty effective.It also has an extremely large magazine that can help a sub-machine overcome its shortcomings as a viable weapon in multiplayer. Marksman Rifles are less useful in Warzone than in regular Modern Warfare modes because of the elevated health pools in Warzone. However, the FAMAS remains equally popular even with the numerous handling issues (due to the faster unlock time and smaller iron sights), which can cause the AUG to receive less use than its counterpart, especially with the lower-leveled players.

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