The flaregun doesn't appear to have a jam animation or misfire (or even an idle animation); it's possible that sometimes it misfires and flares fail to ignite, though there may be other causes of this. Better ballistics!
Weapons characteristic. Referred to as the "Eagle.50" (with a missing space) on the Arms Dealer's computer, the A single-shot signal flare gun can be used by the player and is seen in the hands of some enemies; while they use it when alerted to call for reinforcements, for the player it is only useful as a means of starting fires from a distance. Roving patrols attacking guard posts. This is an essentially fictional AR-15 based rifle labeled as an AR-16 possibly to maintain a common calibre with the other assault rifles, ignoring that one of them already isn't chambered for the same cartridge as the other two. Oddly, it uses the same ammunition as the flamethrower and molotovs, which is depicted as a 20-litre plastic can of fuel. No blinking items! The Arms Dealer then makes the bought weapon available in his warehouses, several of which are placed in the two maps; after buying a weapon, an infinite number of brand-new weapons of that type can be acquired from any warehouse. The mortar can also cause an extremely bizarre glitch if the player is in a boat which is hit by a shot from one; the impact will catapult the boat miles into the air, where it will become permanently stuck, as will the player. Assault Webbing. The SAW behaves rather differently when mounted; it has no muzzle climb and cannot fail or jam, and has infinite ammunition, as do both the other mounted weapons. A low-durability compound crossbow with wood furniture is the special weapon for the Fortunes Pack. The mounted SAW is fitted with spade grips, presumably to explain why the player isn't able to pick it up and carry it away. This mod removes any indicators from the game's maps that reveal the player's location on the map. The Norinco Type 63 60mm light mortar is one of the harder weapons in the game to use effectively, but one of the most powerful.
Far Cry 2 Weapon Fun Mod Final v4.0z For PC has not been tagged yet. Change m16 3x bullet burst to 6x.All new Far Cry 2 Blood and Gore mod maintains Bullet Hole persistence in bodies and/or increase all blood spurts to 150% (most people) or 200% (overkill...These are the Finos Editor Mods for Far Cry 2. Now game looks more realistic and harder than ever. The purpose is to make...This is a Far Cry 2 map. Gamers can now edit their...This mod fixes what Ubisoft left unfixed. I created this mod for all who loves Far Cry 2 and stealthy gamestyle. Far Cry 2 is one of two spiritual sequels to Far Cry (the other being Crysis, made by Crytek, the original developers).A sequel in name only, it does not follow on from Far Cry's storyline, instead taking the player to a fictional African country wracked by civil war, tasking them with hunting down and killing an arms dealer called "The Jackal" who has been selling weapons to both sides. Far Cry 2 . The player pays him for specific weapons in African Conflict Diamonds found in briefcases around the map or earned through completing missions, paying via a website; it's best not to think how that's supposed to work. No mods were found matching the criteria specified. If this is purchased, a large crate is placed in the centre of the arms dealer's warehouse containing the three weapons. Far Cry comes to America in the latest installment of the award-winning franchise. This includes bug fix, many gameplay and graphical enhancements. This includes bug fixes, balancing, and lots of gameplay improvements. Far Cry 2 Weapons Guide There are over two dozen weapons ultimately available in Far Cry 2 and the assortment is spread out over three weapon groups: Primary , Secondary and Special . This mod based on great graphics program SweetFX and adds night vision to...This mod aims at making the game a bit more diverse, a bit more realistic and ultimately more enjoyable.
Another magazine which appears to be in Japanese shows a number of illustrations of M16-series rifles, specifically captioning one as an Some of the closeups seem to show motors in the pistol grip and battery capacities in mAh, which along with the language suggests the texture is taken from a Japanese airsoft magazine. The real AR-16 never got out of the prototype phase, being the 7.62mm forerunner of the AR-18 rifle, and has very little in common with the weapon seen in game. In the Southern map, the wreckage of a crashed Hind-D gunship can be found in the area "Crash Site" and is part of one optional mission; only the nose, one wing and the tail remain, and while the barrels are missing, the mounting of the Hind's From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games