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The elections The leaders of Tanzania’s ruling Chama cha Mageuzi (CCM) party must have been worried last October, in the face of what many expected to be a greatly strengthened opposition. Voters selected the fifth President and his running mate as the Vice President of Tanzania. Extracts from his paper: ‘United behind a common cause, and boasting a harmonised list of candidates UKAWA was able to compete in urban constituencies where CCM had hitherto been able to profit from a divided opposition. "We demand that NEC should do a verification of the results and recount the votes." "In Zanzibar, the local election commission stated that there had been "gross violations," and that the election had been annulled. In fact, the elections turned out to be peaceful and the management by the National Electoral Commission (NEC) was generally good. ‘Yet, opposition advances were cancelled out by Magufuli’s popularity in his native Lake Zone, limiting CHADEMA’s gains in Mara and Shinyanga regions. Kabwe said that he would support President Magufuli on the corruption issue.

However, the NEC and CCM dismissed allegations of rigging, with NEC Chairman Damian Labuva, stating "Claims of vote rigging highly misleading it is not true at all. ... Tanzania… These elections were one of the most competitive in the history of the country, owing to the emergence of a united opposition that was formed during the recent Filed under Map showing the results of the Parliamentary Elections by district (Ben Taylor main opposition party CHADEMA had acquired a new and dynamic leader, Edward Lowassa, a former CCM Prime Minister under President Kikwete. ‘The opposition exceeded expectations in Dar es Salaam, where its MPs now outnumber those from CCM. ‘Nationally, CCM’s Magufuli proved more effective at “getting out the vote”. Thousands of Christians in Tanzania reportedly have been banned from voting in the East African country’s upcoming general elections. He got 31,546 votes in his Kigoma Central constituency compared with 17,344 for CCM and 12,077 for CHADEMA. UKAWA must have been disappointed by the results and Lowassa refused initially to accept them. The Commonwealth Observer Group you deployed to observe the elections in the United Republic of Tanzania on 25 October 2015 has completed its report, and is pleased to submit it to you. In spite of this result Mrema filed a petition at the Moshi High Court to challenge the results. He got only 5,980 votes compared with the 9,268 for CHADEMA.

A leading article about the elections in The East African, which is still banned in Tanzania, described Tanzania as still the most stable and peaceful country in an otherwise turbulent region. CHADEMA retained its seats in Ubongo and Kawe, won the new constituency of Kibamba, and took Ukonga from CCM. A CHADEMA spokesman was quoted as saying that his party were employing every technology at its disposal to detect, stop or otherwise curtail vote-rigging.About 75% of the 48 million population have access to mobile phones and it is estimated that Tanzania has about nine million internet users, thanks to the technological revolution fueled by fibre-optic cable and the substantial decline in the cost of using the internet. The paper looked forward to a smooth transition of the kind that had been the hallmark of Tanzanian politics for many years. They must be happy with the results (which are given below).
The CCM candidate obtained 16,617 and the one time very famous politician Augustine Mrema 6,416.

He would have a removal of traffic jams in the capital and have electricity and piped water across the country.
The Watch Tower church in Kitika village has forbidden its more than 4,000 worshippers from participating in the Oct. 25 polls, alleging it is against their religious teachings, the Tanzania Daily News reported Tuesday. ... Thu 29 Oct 2015 11.44 EDT Last modified on Wed 31 May 2017 06.09 EDT. The government had warned politicians to refrain from engaging in On 29 October, CCM's Magufuli was declared the winner ahead of Chadema's Lowassa, who has yet to concede amid a dispute.A new constitution was expected to have been adopted before the general election via a The proposed constitution adds the following criteria: both parents of the candidate ought to be citizens by birth; the candidate be of sound mind and either holds a The ruling CCM (and its predecessor parties) has dominated the political scene since the nation attained independence in 1961. CUF candidates ousted CCM incumbents in Kinondoni and Temeke. It also contains ideas on what the future of Tanzania might look like and expresses Branson’s opinions on some controversial issues. The predominant word during the election was ‘CHANGE’, used by all parties. Tanzania elections: voting opens in tightest race in country's history ... Sun 25 Oct 2015 07.05 EDT Last modified on Wed 29 Nov 2017 03.35 EST. The opposition Civic United Front (CUF) a mainly Zanzibar party secured the constituency of Tanga Urban and control of Tanga District Council on the Tanzanian mainland. […] The main opposition CHADEMA party on the mainland has also been strengthened by gains it made in new areas where it had not been present before [TA No. The opposition coalition of CHADEMA, CUF, NCCR – Mageuzi and the National League for Democracy (NLD) largely held together during the campaign as parties negotiated about the actual seats in which they would be allowed to stand. The police said that, if mishandled, the figures could result in a breach of the peace if they were different from those published officially. All parties and their members were wooing voters on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp.