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We are surprised by this. Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. "Our wine is priced at a premium. The International Trade Statistics Yearbook: Volume I – Trade by Country and Volume II – Trade by Product provide an overview of the latest trends of trade in goods and services showing country and product profiles of international trade, respectively. China's Ministry of Commerce said Tuesday it is launching an anti-dumping investigation into some wines imported from Australia.Australia's Federal Trade Minister Simon Birmingham said in a statement that Chinese authorities "have also advised Australia that they are considering a request to launch a countervailing duties investigation. Goods and services – what is being traded? About this publication World Trade Statistical Review provides a detailed analysis of the latest developments in world trade. Australian wine producers charge higher prices in China than any other market, an argument the Morrison government will use to As the wine industry faces more than a year of uncertainty while China investigates the allegations, Trade Minister Simon Birmingham said the matter was "deeply troubling and quite perplexing. "One winemaker in China said the investigation by the Ministry of Commerce was politically motivated as there was room in the local market for domestic and imported wine.However, the person said, alcohol sales in China have been hurt by the coronavirus as consumers mostly drink at public gatherings rather than at home. Released 4 August 2020 International Trade in Goods and Services Australia, Jun 2020; Released 24 July 2020 International Merchandise Trade, Preliminary Australia, Jun 2020; Released 2 June 2020 Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Australia, Mar 2020; Released 7 May 2020 International Investment Position, Australia: Supplementary Statistics 2019 International Trade Data Sources.

trade statistics The Global Trade Atlas (GTA) is a web-based search and analysis tool that provides users with on-demand access to our comprehensive database of worldwide trade statistics. USA Trade Online, our free international trade database. The World Trade Organization deals with the global rules of trade between nations. Thailand Trade Statistics including exports and imports by partner and products, tariffs and relevant development indicators. Australia had the largest share of China's imported wine market at 37%, according to data for the 12 months through May from Global Trade Atlas and cited by Wine Australia in an August 4 report. This followed exports to China and Hong Kong more than doubling from $543 million in 2015-16 to $1.2 billion last financial year as tariffs fell under the free trade deal between Australian and China. No other country has accused Australia of dumping or subsidising its wine industry.TWE chief executive Tim Ford said the company would "roll up its sleeves" and work with the government to resolve the issue. We want to hear from you.Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inboxGet this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. Overview: In 2018 Thailand was the number 25 economy in the world in terms of GDP (current US$), the number 22 in total exports, the number 23 in total imports, and the number 28 most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI).In 2018, Thailand exported $262B and imported $227B, resulting in a positive trade balance of $34.3B "The announcement comes amid growing geopolitical tensions between the two countries. This market-leading solution provides a global view of imports and exports for every commodity at the most detailed "Andy Xu, the owner of Cellar Door Wines in Shanghai, says Chinese customs officials have been making it difficult to source new shipments of Australian wine for much of the past month.

"Our winery has not complained about any Australian anti-dumping behaviour. ""This is a very disappointing and perplexing development," Birmingham said, adding that "Australian wine is not sold at below market prices and exports are not subsidised. The selling of products below cost or for less overseas than in their home market is viewed as dumping. 40 Merchandise trade 42 Trade in commercial services 48 Global value chains 62 Digital trade 65

It is the WTO’s flagship statistical Latest trends in world trade 2017-2018 26 General trends and drivers of trade in 2017 28 World trade and output in early 2018 37 IV. "This is a political action," said the leading Chinese winemaker from the region of Ningxia, who did not want to be identified. "Given China is about three times larger than the next biggest export market, the volume normally sold to China will be difficult to reallocate," Macquarie Equities said in a note to clients.The Shanghai wine merchant Mr Xu, who worked as a banker in Australia before returning home, said the anti-dumping investigation would not benefit anyone.Mr Xu, who sells 100 Australian wines, said those sold in his shop were more expensive per bottle than in their country of origin.“If there are tariffs on Australian wine, consumers in China will buy Kiwi, South African, Chilean, French or other wines.

Global trade: World maps 24 III. ""The Australian industry welcomes the opportunity to build on these ties and work with the Chinese industry and government to further technical cooperation and develop lasting relationships," the association said.Got a confidential news tip? "The Shanghai wine shop of Mr Xu, who worked as a banker in Australia before returning home, said the anti-dumping investigation would not benefit anyone.A spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry would not comment on suggestions that the investigation was politically motivated. There are too many alternatives,” Mr Xu said.At the same time, China is seeking to promote its local wine industry and focus more on boosting domestic sales of popular consumer products, given weakening demand for its exports as the pandemic ravages the economies of its major trading partners.State media have suggested over the past week that President Xi Jinping wants to embark on a "dual circulation" strategy aimed at cutting reliance on global markets and generating more demand for local products from domestic consumers.Details of this potential shift in Mr Xi's economic policy have been vague so far.Follow the topics, people and companies that matter to you.Boards are often tempted to expand the public companies they lead, urged on by eager investment bankers.