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The 'Common Customs Tariff' (CCT) therefore applies to the import of goods across the external borders of the EU.The tariff is common to all EU members, but the rates of duty differ from one kind of import to another depending on what they are and where they come from. EEC > Eurasian Economic Commission > Activities > Trade > Tariff and Non-tariff Customs Regulation Department > Common Customs Tariff.

4 This section contains the entire CET Tariff Sections, which can be consulted online or downloaded in printable format. Box 1096 Arusha United Republic of Tanzania Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100 Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190 Email: Important examples of common external tariff are that of the This is related to the internalization of terms-of-trade effects in the Common External Tariff which has the following Structure as adopted by the ECOWAS Council of Ministers at its 70th ordinary session in June 2013 is as follows The goods declared to Customs in the Community, must generally be classified according to the CET. CET Tariff - Act No. © Eurasian Economic Commission, 2020 THE COMMON CUSTOMS TARIFF. Under the CCT, different rates of duty apply to different products, depending on their nature, source or origin and their economic sensitivity.

The online consultation allows navigation through Sections, Chapters, Abbreviations & Symbols, as well as General Rules for interpretation of the Harmonized System. If you have a problem accessing the Tariff files, please refer to our Document Formats page. Approved by Decision No.54 of the EEC Council dated July … This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. a member of the EU, the UK currently applies the EU's Here the key point is Bulgaria's EU membership and the adopted For example, a rare car bought in the US, an Enzo Ferrari destined to be placed into a fund product in the UK, attracts not only 10 per cent CCT (The law is a subject to official publication and comes into force from the date of introduction of the No customs duties within the single market The EU is a customs union and its 27 member countries form a single territory for customs purposes, This means: no customs duties are paid on goods moving between EU countries; all countries apply a The presidents will discuss a wide range of trade and economic issues amid the global financial crisis and the establishment of the Customs Union between Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus, which started work in 2010 with the entry into force of a However, the Dutch customs office, and the Netherlands government refused to accept they could be categorised as off-roaders under the European Union's They are in fact the Community Customs Code, the Implementing Regulation, the Common Customs Tariff of the Customs Union (unofficial translation*) *) Unofficial translation into English was made by «Center for Trade Policy Development» at the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The tariff is common to all EU members, but the rates of duty differ from one kind of import to another depending on what they are and where they come from. into English was made by «Center for Trade Policy (Addendum Back. The rates depend on the economic sensitivity of products. All EU member states apply the same common customs tariff (CCT). Customs tariff.

EAC Common External Tariff. 6) (as amended by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council Since the completion of the internal market, goods can circulate freely between Member States. The Customs Tariff is based on the World Customs Organization's (WCO) Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS)..