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Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. In While universal access to health care may not completely eliminate health inequalities,In countries that have a universal health care system, health inequalities have been reduced. Ardent Media. Social means relating to society or to the way society is organized....the worst effects of unemployment, low pay and other social problems., ...long-term social change., ...changing social attitudes., ...the tightly woven social fabric of small towns., ...research into housing and social policy.Let's face it Download our English Dictionary apps - available for both iOS and Android. auf Italienisch the unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities, money, etc. auf Französisch In treatment and responsibility differences, some people benefit more and can quickly receive more privileges than others. Aus Aus Search social inequality and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso. In sum, the concentration of capital ownership is always extreme, so that the very notion of capital is fairly abstract for large segments—if not the majority—of the population.Ebrey, Patricia Buckley Anne Walthall, James Palais. Der Satz enthält beleidigende Inhalte. Aus [...] being forced to live in poverty, social inequality increases, and so do social tensions; [...] the spotlight on the common good fades and the country is threatened with a societal step backwards. social inequality definition in the English Cobuild dictionary for learners, social inequality meaning explained, see also 'social chapter',social climber',social climbing',social club', English vocabulary ulighed…