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Your order ships straight away Entirely compatible with the Sector Mechanicus and Sector Imperialis ranges. Visit our friends Sorry, this product is not currently available to order Here are some other products you might consider...

Sector Imperialis Sanctum Painted Figure Warhammer 40k | Art Level $654.04 Sector Imperialis Administratum Painted Figure Warhammer 40k | Art Level $527.22 Sector Imperialis Ruins Painted Figure Warhammer 40k | Art Level $367.86 25mm Warhammer 40k Terrain Dps Painted Sector Imperialis Imperial Sector Tp672 $258.30 25mm Warhammer 40k Terrain Dps Painted Sector Imperialis Sanctum … ..Multi-part plastic kit. The Sector Imperialis Sanctum was once a glorious monument to the Emperor, now fallen into disrepair by centuries of conflict.

You can unsubscribe at any time. - 2 frames each containing..A detailed, striking scenery set, these ruins are a modular plastic kit entirely compatible with oth..The kit is comprised of 3 frames of plastic components (51 in total):

Доставка по России. Includ..This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Sacristan Forgeshrine – ..A detailed, striking scenery set, this Sanctum is a modular plastic kit entirely compatible with others across the Sector Imperialis and Sector Mechanicus ranges.

Entirely compatible with the Sector Mechanicus and Sector Imperialis ranges. A ruined and broken Imperial building guarded by 4 impassive statues Entirely compatible with the Sector Mechanicus and Sector Imperialis ranges Each Sector Imperialis kit has been designed so that, if built to line up, you can stack them on top of one another without glue.

- A frame of 4 wall section..Detailed, flexible plastic scenery designed to be wrapped around scenery pieces and model bases to a..Incredibly detailed, designed to make your scenery pieces stand out on the gaming table by adding ex.. "Sector Imperialis Sanctum" по цене 3 976 ₽. By subscribing you confirm that you are over the age of 13 or have consent from your parent or guardian to subscribe.

Brand Unavailable (more detailed information follows a soon as possible) Enjoy now, pay later The Sector Imperialis Sanctum was once a glorious monument to the Emperor, now fallen into disrepair by centuries of conflict. The kit is comprised of 7 frames of plastic components (134 in total): Nobody has reviewed this product yet. Manufacturer Ein imperiales Gebäude in Trümmern, bewacht von vier teilnahmslosen Statuen Vollständig kompatibel mit den Sortimenten Sector Mechanicus und Sector Imper Sector Imperialis Sanctum, 50,69 € English Интернет-магазин Hobby Games. No long forms, instant approval Enter your email to get the very latest - news, promotions, hobby tips and more from Games Workshop.

Use your existing payment card Interest free, with no additional fees if you pay on At the foot of each column is a join that allows it to comfortably slot on the joins at the top.

Box Dimensions (mm) You could be the first! Necromunda 32Mm Bases (X10) The Sector Imperialis Sanctum was once a glorious monument to the Emperor, now fallen into disrepair by centuries of conflict. Warhammer 40,000: Sector Imperialis – Sanctum.