Dietrich Bonhoeffer (4. februar 1906 – 9. april 1945) var en tysk, luthersk præst, teolog og deltager i den tyske modstandsbevægelse mod nazismen.Han var involveret i konspirationsplaner med medlemmer fra Abwehr (Tysk Militærs Efterretningstjeneste) om at likvidere Adolf Hitler.Han blev arresteret i marts 1943, sat i fængsel og hængt fire uger før 2. verdenskrigs afslutning i Europa
On April 23 his efforts resulted in the freeing of prisoners incarcerated at Moabit prison. 1912. Januar: Klaus Bonhoeffer wird als Sohn des Professors für Psychiatrie und Neurologie Karl Bonhoeffer und dessen Ehefrau Paula (geb. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Here, too, twenty-one inmates facing lesser charges had already been released, among them the lawyer Hans Lukaschek and Kraft von Palombini, who had sheltered Goerdeler. Directed plays since 1977. Bonhoeffer), 3.1.5.christine Von Dohnányi (geb. In der Nacht vom 22. auf den 23. Klaus Bonhoeffer (5 January 1901 – 23 April 1945) was a German jurist and resistance fighter against the Nazi régime who was executed after the July 1944 plot to kill Hitler. Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed ), memorial page for Klaus Hans Martin Bonhoeffer (5 Jan 1901–23 Apr 1945), Find a Grave Memorial no. Bonhoeffer), Christine Von Dohnanyi (geb. One of them sought, on the spur of the moment, to obtain the release of other prisoners as well. Klaus Bonhoeffer. Von Hase) ... Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer, Walter Felix Bonhoeffer, Ursula Clara Julie Hanna Schleicher (geb. In early 1943 a group of anti-Nazis that included Klaus Bonhoeffer, Klaus Bonhoeffer was s entenced to death on 2nd February, 1945 but was held in captivity for over two months. At around six in the evening, the last political prisoners were released from Lehrterstrasse, including Justus Delbruck of Military Intelligence, Professors Gerhard Ritter, Adolf Lampe, and Theodor Steltzer. After midnight, however, another SS detachment appeared, took away Albrecht von Bernstorff, Karl Ludwig von Guttenberg, and the trade union leader Ernst Schneppenhorst, and murdered them. Bonhoeffer), Susanne ... Emilie Amalie Charlotte Henretta Bonhoeffer (geb. Klaus Bonhoeffer was born in Breslau, Germany, now Wrocław, Poland, to Karl Bonhoeffer, a professor of psychiatry and neurology, and his wife Paula, as the third son in the Bonhoeffer family.
Er ist in die Attentatspläne der Verschwörergruppe um Ludwig Beck und Carl Goerdeler eingeweiht. Klaus Bonhoeffer (5. januar 1901 – 23. april 1945) var en tysk jurist og modstandsmand.Han blev dømt til døden i Volksgerichtshof (folkedomstolen) for sin rolle i 20. juli-attentatet mod Adolf Hitler.Han blev henrettet af RSHA natten mellem den 22. og 23. april, kort før at sovjetiske tropper indtog Berlin.. Klaus Bonhoeffer var bror til Dietrich Bonhoeffer Delbrück) Karl Ludwig Bonhoeffer, Paula Maria Klara Anna Pauline Magdalene Bonhoeffer (geb. Bonhoeffer), 3.1.... Emile Amalie Charlotte Henretta Bonhoeffer (geb.
Bonhoeffer), Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Sabine ... Karl Ludwig Bonhoeffer, Paula* Maria Klara Anna Bonhoeffer (geb. The Bonhoeffer family is a German family originally descending from Nijmegen and documented in Schwäbisch Hall from 1513 onwards. The SS, however, had taken charge of liquidating the Gestapo prison on Lehrterstrasse. Von Hase) Dietrich Bonhöffer,
When day broke, the rest of the prisoners managed to persuade the warden that it was in his own best interest to let them go before the Russian troops arrived. Bonhoeffer), Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Sabine Leibholz (geb. Er ist verheiratet mit Emilie Delbrück, mit der er eine Tochter und zwei Söhne hat. 5. Von Hase) ...Bonhoeffer, Ursula Clara Julie Hanna Schleicher (geb. Played at the 'Salzburger Festspiele' since 1975.
... Emilie Amalie Charlotte Henretta Bonhöffer (geb. Through his brother Dietrich, he had contacts with the church resistance, and through his brothers-in-law, Justus Delbrück, Dohnanyi and Rüdiger Schleicher, he had many contacts in the military resistance to Hitler, especially in the circle about Wilhelm Canaris in the Abwehr of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. In enger Verbindung mit seinen Schwägern Hans von Dohnanyi, Justus Delbrück und Rüdiger Schleicher nutzt er früh seine Reisemöglichkeiten, um vielfältige Kontakte zu Widerstandskreisen im diplomatischen und kirchlichen Umfeld des In- und Auslands zu knüpfen.
Bonhoeffer), Christine Von Dohnanyi (geb. 1901. Jurist. He went to the Grunewald Gymnasium in Berlin where he became friends with Hans Dohnányi. Gave his debut as an actor in 1962. von Hase) in Breslau (heute: Wroclaw, Polen) geboren. Member of the 'Wiener Burgtheater' in Vienna since 1972. 34828095, citing Dorotheenstädtisch-Friedrichwerderscher Friedhof I, Berlin-Mitte, Mitte, Berlin, Germany ; Maintained by Find A Grave . ... Karl Ludwig Bonhoeffer, Paula Maria Clara Anna Bonhoeffer (born Hase) ...Bonhoeffer, Ursula Clara Julie Hanna Schleicher (born Bonhoeffer), Christine Donhanyi (born Bonhoeffer), Christel Von Dohnanyi, *1903 (bo... Emile Amalie Charlotte Henretta Bonhoeffer (born Delbrück) Karl Ludwig Bonhoeffer, Paula Maria Klara Anna Bonhoeffer (geb.