By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The survey is still live so feel free to keep responding and hopefully I can continue updating it as we go. It has a somewhat noticeable bullet drop compared with HDR, so requires more skill to operate especially in the open Verdansk maps.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 4 Weapon Tier List. Good AR to use if you don’t wanna use the M4The oden with the mag size upgrade with the big suppressor and barrel attachments is nasty.The riot shield is so good. For example, longest mid line of sight at the shoot house is about 40m.But, in ground war/Anyah Palace map/Warzone - Kilo/m13/grau take their place because of less recoil.0-7m - Shotguns: in warzone Top1 Akimbo .357 snake shot; in MP or Ground war probably R9-0 I dont know.7-15m - SMG: Top1 definitely MP5 (after AUG5.56 nerf) for multiplayer. It also takes at least 25 rounds of gameplay to unlock if you didn't do so in the last season, so some grinding is needed. Which guns sit at the top of our Call of Duty: Modern Warfare tier list (Image via Activision Blizzard) Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) has been out for over a month.
You mean the FN Fal? Which guns sit at the top of our Call of Duty: Modern Warfare tier list (Image via Activision Blizzard) Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) has been out for over a month. This list is based on the release version of Modern Warfare. Set it up right, and this gun can compete with sniper rifles.The 725 is a one shot powerhouse, capable of getting one shots well beyond 20 meters if set up with the right attachments.The PKM doesn’t receive a lot of love, but don’t sleep on this weapon. Put simply, why use the Origin when the R9-0 exists, with it's higher damage and faster TTK. That's why we even recommend it as a When looting around for MK2 Carbine, try getting an optics attachment for it. Mainly with the 10mm ammo.The Uzi with the longer barrel and .41 ammo is good but not enough to really be a top tier weapon. Haven't played the game for some time and I know there's been a couple updates, like to the Uzi; plus they added new weapons. The weapon has a relatively low recoil due to its hyperburst feature, allowing players to keep their shots on target. Probably because grau 1. little bit easier to use (maybe it make sense on consoles - most streamers play on consoles. Equal with the Kilo.AK47 in the right hands is very effective but hard to control. the riot shield is good but there are many ways to play around it and they have to hit that knife throw which is harder than hitting a shotgun shot. Without decent attachments, it's hard first-shot recoil can make follow-up shots difficult.The above weapons were selected based on the following criteria:The best weapons for Warzone should be able to let the player adapt to different situations, whether it be in long-range shootout, or tooth & nail CQB brawls. The weapon setup is noted to right.The white table completely to the right is the most important. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. While some weapons turn into beasts with the right attachment, how soon these attachments are unlocked are put into consideration when deciding ranks. Easily the worst LMG.Absolute hot garbage, weapons that shouldn't even be considered using.The M19 is probably the worst weapon in the game. Their low DPS maker them easily outgunned, and the 1911 only has a mag size of 7, making reloading quite frequent. Oden has one of the highest single shot assault rifle damage in the game, though kept in check by a slower fire rate. Season 5 has started from August 5, 2020, unveiling 3 new weapons. But if you prefer mobility than chose mp5. Assassin's Creed Valhalla Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2020 & Warzone - Wiki GuideWarzone: Best Weapon Setups & Gun Tier List - Season 5Warzone: Best Weapon Setups & Gun Tier List - Season 5Get 2 Headshots using Assault Rifles in 25 different matches Definitely a nicely thought out list, I certainly understand the reasoning for putting the burst weapons in tier zero, if a computer played mw2 it would use the burst weapons since they provide the fastest TTK (aside from 1 shot kills) assuming excellent or in this case flawless accuracy.