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The beard typically extends from the sideburns, down the cheeks and under the chin. The long answer: it depends on who you ask, because mustaches haven’t reached true style-saturation in a long time (the last time they came close was the free-loving '70s). This look is best with no stubble on the rest of the face and with crisp, clean lines.Maybe you’re not ready to go full-on Horseshoe, but you can still experiment with a more in-your-face style. The edges dip around the corners of your mouth slightly, but without getting into Horseshoe territory, which gives it a casual lothario look.Instead of the diagonal lines of the Daddy or the rounded edges of the Comb, the Rectangle mustache is boxy. Grooming a chevron mustache . But reactions be damned, a mustache is something every man should try at least once in his life.
This commenting section is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page. 4. As always, we’d love to hear from you and welcome your comments and suggestions. Check for any straggler’s hairs, test the evenness of your trim, and take a selfie. Let your hair grow long enough to completely cover your upper lip and don’t be quite so obsessive about keeping the edges in line with your mouth. Somewhere along the line, the mustache lost its way.Or, perhaps more specifically, it got pushed out of favor by fashion trends that scoffed at mustachioed men: “Wait … you want to look like a 1970s porn star?”Well, the mustache has made a comeback and is no longer the source of creepy vibes.We think that’s a nice trend, but we also want to remind you that, as with a beard, So, let’s talk about how to trim a mustache to ensure that the cheese factor always remains low.You won’t look like a retro adult film star – let your chest hair grow into a forest if that’s the image you desire – but you’ll look up-to-date and, frankly, pretty damn good.OK, even as obvious as it seems, you need to grow a mustache before you can trim it. Ah, the mighty mustache. What trimming tools are important to your routine? No other style of facial hair holds quite as much power as a hairy upper lip, for better or worse. You may be able to find more information on their web site. Mistakes like those can quickly lead you down the dark road of, “I’ll just shave off the damn thing!”There’s no need to shave off the damn thing, gents.How about you? Sure, you need to have some length to it to get adequate coverage, but more than that you need to be willing to really maintain it. Don’t Forget to Get Rid of Your Mustache’s ‘Bulk’7. The center divot is essential, so gently carve that in to keep both sides of the mustache distinct.Whether you’re on your way to a full Walrus or just aren’t ready to commit, the Baby Walrus gives you the same vibes, but with a shorter length and more trimmed sides. Use your scissors to cut those to your desired length.There are too many mustache styles – and methods for styling them – to list here, but if you’re like many men, you may want to experiment a little bit. Why not give it a friend?
This isn’t a light dusting of hair—it’s full, and robust, and extends the full length of the upper lip with a slight diagonal from nose-to-mouth.
OK, even as obvious as it seems, you need to grow a mustache before … Get more similar content and participate in the monthly giveaway for the new Spectral.BRD beard-stimulating serum by DS Laboratories. Eventually the mustache will start to pop out and you’ll be able to play with how prominent the mustache is depending on how long you keep the rest of your facial hair.Sometimes a mustache can look a little lonely, especially if it’s new. Again, take your time, and don’t overdo it.Run your comb through your mustache once you’re finished to see if any stray or unruly hairs remain. You need a mustache and beard comb that’s made of, preferably, wood.The top-quality facial hair combs come with various teeth widths and are hand-cut – not stamped cut like mass-manufactured combs – which means you’ll avoid the tugging and snagging you’ll get with lesser combs.Combs made from cellulose acetate (which is rubber-like) are also a potentially good choice).We’ve mentioned that hand-cut combs are the best because their teeth are individually cut and then polished, which is the primary reason why they don’t have the jagged edges of mass-produced combs.Your mustache and beard will thank you for buying a hand-cut comb.Start your trimming project by cutting the hairs closest to your upper lip with scissors or a trimmer.
But if you’re going to try a mustache, why not go all in. Keep both the mustache and goatee well-maintained and on the short side—and don’t let them ever, ever meet. But instead of gentle, natural diagonal lines, the Comb is more rounded at the edges and turns down at the corners of your mouth. They’re also good for sensitive skin.As mentioned, most mustache trimmers are part of multi-functional grooming machines capable of handling a variety of tasks, including beard and body grooming.You’ll save money in the long run by buying a quality trimmer that works on your mustache, beard, eyebrows, sideburns, body – you name it.Another thing to consider when buying a trimmer is whether it comes with a power cord or runs on batteries (or, in some cases, both).The advantage of owning a cordless trimmer is its portability, but you also must be aware of its battery time and how often you need to charge it.If you buy a corded version, check the cord’s length because it affects your maneuverability as you shave, which is important to many men.Trimmers are available in a multitude of designs, to say the least. His work was mentioned in countless notable men's grooming and style publications, including Beardbrand and AskMen.Great article! Keep it trimmed (not too long) and the lines maintained for optimal effect.Also known as the beginner’s mustache, this style is halfway between a beard and a full-blown mustache. The Pencil makes the case that with a little careful shaping, a mustache doesn’t have to overwhelm your face.
Like the pencil, the Leading Man is meticulously groomed, with absolutely no overhang on the top lip, and sometimes even a little divot in the middle for extra measure. How did mustaches get their bow-chica-bow-bow connotation? Your First Trimming Maneuver is to Cut Across Your Upper Lip5.