Last Updated Friday, June 5, 2020 10:00PM EDT I think there's hope for the younger generation." The Ottawa demonstration was one of multiple events in Canada following days of rallies against racism and police brutality in numerous American cities.
"There's a lot of racism in Vancouver. Canada does have large racial inequality." Vor tausenden Demonstranten ging der Regierungschef auf die Knie und schwieg zu Ehren von George Floyd. Trudeau put one knee to the ground, his head bowed, as others also took a knee around him. With annual July 1 Canada Day celebrations cancelled due to a continuing coronavirus lockdown, thousands marched from Parliament Hill to the United States Embassy in Ottawa to protest “corruption” in the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Callender-Prasad said he believes some protests have turned violent in the United States because citizens have reached a breaking point. Several businesses on downtown Yonge Street and area boarded up their windows in anticipation of Friday's protest and others planned for the city over the weekend. "We see you and we are listening," Saunders, who is black, tweeted after the meeting. There were similar rallies in Edmonton, Regina and Winnipeg.
Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders and other uniformed officers met a group of protesters, then Saunders removed his hat and took a knee at a downtown intersection near police headquarters.
Trudeau said the issue of systemic racism in policing was long-standing and needed addressing. "Far too many Canadians feel fear and anxiety at the sight of law enforcement officers," he said. Floyd fell still and died, the officer's knee still on him. "Over the past weeks, we've seen a large number of Canadians suddenly awaken to the fact that the discrimination that is a lived reality for far too many of our fellow citizens is something that needs to end." The demonstrations followed protests across the U.S. after a video showed a white Minneapolis officer kneeling on the neck of a black man, George Floyd, for nearly nine minutes, even as he pleaded that he couldn't breathe.
"But in the United States, they were doing it intentionally." A check-in on the public mood of Canadians with hosts Michael Stittle and Nik Nanos. He hopes the protests in Canada will help stop that feeling.
Demonstrators peacefully chanted, clapped and clutched signs that said, "Demilitarize the police" and "Say their names," -- a slogan urging people to remember and recognize the victims of police brutality by name. They include an encounter between an Indigenous man and the RCMP in Nunavut. Für das Wochenende sind weitere Proteste angekündigt.Unterdessen sind zwei New Yorker Polizisten nach Zusammenstößen mit Demonstranten freigestellt worden.
We need change and we do not trust police," said protester, John Coleman.
"We want people to understand what's going on here," said Jacob Callender-Prasad, the protest's lead organizer. Reports and video of problematic police encounters with minorities in Canada have surfaced recently. Kaylei Welsford carried a sign saying, "I can't breathe." It's a great day for him, it's a great day for everybody.
The goal was to bring together black activists and organizations and allies to stand in solidarity against police brutality and societal racism. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette The Ottawa event was organized by No Peace Until Justice, formed by a young black woman. They later massed in a sudden downpour, kneeling and raising clenched right fists, with most then dispersing. Change, he said, needed to start immediately but would not happen overnight.
In vielen Ländern hat es auch am Samstag wieder Proteste gegen Rassismus gegeben,ausgelöst durch den Tod des schwarzen US-Bürgers George Floyd nach einem brutalen Polizeieinsatz in Minneapolis.Kanadas Premierminister Justin Trudeau geht bei Protest in Ottawa auf die Knie (Bild: Dave Chan/AFP)Kanadas Premierminister Justin Trudeau setzte in Ottawa ein Zeichen. Listen and subscribe to get a weekly update with the newsmakers who matter. Copyright 2020 Belgischer Rundfunk No one really knew about black culture and what not to say and how to act," she said. Manhattans Staatsanwalt hatte schon angekündigt, solche Verstöße nicht strafrechtlich zu verfolgen. Listen and subscribe to get a daily fix on the latest political news and issues. Canada's prime minister performed the symbolic gesture on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.