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You are not using an "Attack Action" in order to make the offhand attack, you are instead using a "bonus action". In the end, that will be 3x attacks total.The Extra Attack section in 5e does capitalize the Attack action to make that clear.When you take an ATTACK ACTION. Max HP increase. Otherwise, once any class gives you a second attack, you're done, multiclassed or not. The feature "extra attack" doesn't stack. Since only fighters have more than 2, it's really only an issue for them. From the excepts so far published, Paladins and Barbarians get extra attacks at 5th level. Then afterward, you can spend your Bonus Action in order to make an offhand attack. Make sure to update the character’s armor class, hit points, bonus initiative, passive perception and other skills that they are proficient with whenever any relevant changes allow you to do so.Make sure to read more about the different Sacred Oaths and the features they can unlock as your Paladin gains levels. This is as opposed to "Casting a Spell" or some other use of the one action you get per turn. If you were a 5th level fighter and got extra attack, then took 5 barbarian levels, you wouldn't have three attacks. Because to cast those spells, you chose to "cast a spell" not use an "attack action" even though part of casting those spells involves an attack.As others have pointed out no, you only ever get ONE attack utilizing your ONE Bonus Action via two-weapon fighting.You get, per round, an ACTION, your movement, a possible BONUS ACTION, and a possible REACTION.Most common ACTIONS are "Attack Action" and "Cast a Spell" others include "Dodge", "Dash", "Disengage", and "Ready an Action".The Attack Action is the ONLY THING affected by the Extra Attack feature.So, during your ACTION you elect "Attack Action", you make more than one attack if you have Extra Attack.Then, as a BONUS ACTION you can follow the two-weapon fighting rules and get a single attack with your offhand weapon as per the rules.While confusing, the wording is specific. I read extra attacks "you get whatever extra attacks your separate class levels grant the highest amount of".

This is not an Attack Action, this is a Cast Spell Action that just happens to include attacking with a sword.So if you were to cast Booming Blade on someone, you would not be allowed to make an Extra Attack afterwards, because you did not take the official Attack Action.If you do take the official Attack Action, then you are automatically allowed to follow it up with an Extra Attack. Or will they be avatars of justice who try to look at the big picture and allow or even encourage relatively harmless shenanigans?Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: So my 5th level Fighter multiclassed and took a level in Cleric (War domain.)

3 years ago. So a 10/10 fighter/valor-bard gets 2 attacks, not 4. For instance, some spells involve hitting the target with your weapon in order to deliver the spell effect. It explicitly says anytime you take a certain action.So while dual wielding you can use your Action and Bonus Action to make N+1 attacks, where N is your Extra Attack and at least 1 attack is made with each of the [light] weapons you are wielding.An "Attack Action" is a specific kind of action you can take in order to perform a melee or ranged weapon (or unarmed) attack.

So a Ftr 5 / Pal 5 / Barb 5 has the attacks of a Ftr 20. I've got a fighter/cleric multiclass in mind, but don't want to take 5 levels of fighter just for the extra attack. Just the "extra attack" for one more attack. The way I understand it, the Extra Attack is taken as part of your Action and each of your two attacks can have a different target. "Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, WHENEVER YOU TAKE AN ATTACK ACTION ON YOUR TURN"I added the caps to bring attention to the important part.In the book it doesn't specify one attack it specifies anytime you make an attack on your turn.So my character is a dual wielder with 2 weapon fighting. Max HP increase. I'm thinking something like this: Battle Training: - add +1 to Strength or Dexterity* - gain the Extra Attack feature at level 5 … The character progression is broken down per level to facilitate the tracking of any incremental changes that can be made. Everyone enjoyed that scene, mainly because no one died except the npc and the traitor. If you then levelled the fighter, you can benefit from the 2nd and 3rd attacks that get added on. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services.

These changes must be properly reflected on your character sheet for proper attribute adjustment. This is to help avoid repeatedly jumping through different sections of the Player’s Handbook or any other published sourcebook every time a character gains an additional level.Before using this guide, please take note of any and all applicable feats, racial traits or background bonuses that your character might gain before choosing a class during character creation. Will their oath turn them into a stick in the mud who serves a deity that forbids fun?