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After you jump out, loop back to the right and walk up the stairs, taking out the three guards. Here’s how to pump the air gun, otherwise known as the Tikhar, in Metro Exodus.The process is pretty simple, requiring s quick hold of the Reload button (X on Xbox One, Square on PS4, and R on PC). In Metro: Last Light, it can be In Last Light it appears that the Tihar is being phased out by the new version "Tihar-M" ("M" stands for модернизирован, commonly used for "improved" in Russian weapon designations), as indicated by the production markings. What it lacks in polish, it makes up for in effectiveness and usefulness. A pressure gauge mounted on the right side of the weapon shows how much relative stopping power and distance the next shot will have, with each shot draining a small amount of air from the reservoir. It is possible to overpressure the cylinder for extra stopping power and range, but the extra air will leak out eventually and the gun will go back to normal power levels.

r/metro. What it lacks in polish, it makes up for in effectiveness and usefulness. You can overpump it, filling it with way more air than it’s supposed to hold. Both are capable of sniping as well, though the Tihar is more accurate by a small margin.

Metro Exodus is the first game I have ever played with max graphic settings thanks to a new PC that I worked very hard to get. Both Tihar and Helsing are silent and their ammo is cheap to craft, so you're free to use whatever you really like in the other slots without fearing that you may f-up in stealth parts, 'cause you didn't pick any suppressed gun. spoiler. This can cause issues with your shots though, with many flying wild and causing big problems, if you’re going for stealth. Tihar-M's performance remains largely unchanged in comparison with Tihar from Metro 2033. This weapon runs on air and spits out common, easily crafted ball bearings. Metro Exodus PlayStation 4 .

You’ll pick up a suppressor early in the game.The reflex scope is fine for most situations, but you’re going to want some zoom, too.

The Tihar is extremely quiet and is capable of silently bringing down enemies from surprisingly long ranges. Reviews.
With all the laws, limitations,or regulations out of the window and with parts being readily available, weapons such as the Tihar are providing strong competition to actual firearms.

246. Dieses Gewehr ist etwas ganz Besonderes, schließlich stellt die Valve das einzige Scharfschützengewehr in Metro Exodus dar. Cheats. It carries fifteen 15 mm ball bearings in a tubular spring-fed magazine.

Continue browsing in r/metro.

Notify me about new: Guides. This, take the railgun, it's a new weapon for you to use.

Notice the different stock/air tank.Concept art showing Metro Exodus Tikhar variants by Concept art showing various Tikhar magazines and mechanism parts by Ilya Tolmachev3D model of the Tikhar converted into a railgun by Dmytro ButenkoAnother model by the same author, showing a more traditional Tikhar configurationTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Make sure you also find the eight-shot cylinder for your revolver, which you’ll find at the bandit camp at the location below. So Ive gone through the game once already.

A weapon equipped with the The Tihar faces stiff competition for its role as a suppressed weapon from the The Helsing is the Tihar's true rival, weapon-slot wise; both guns are pneumatic. Image/Gif. PC Stadia Xbox One. The Tihar's biggest advantage over the Volt Driver is the weapon's low price tag and ease to find, and the fact that the Tihar is completely silent, unlike the Volt Driver.

Help. Metro Exodus Railgun. "It's then final segment of the game. Add this game to my: Favorites.

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Metro Exodus. Get the best Metro Exodus weapon attachments for your favourite gun with our locations guide.You’ll find new attachments all the time in Metro Exodus, which gradually improve your weapons as you move through the story. For more info on the best weapons in the game, check out our comprehensive Getting the sniper or heavy stocks will boost the stability of your weapon, making it much easier to handle. Video Game News, Reviews, Guides & More | Attack of the Fanboy | © 2019 Modern Media Group All Rights Reserved

You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Metro Exodus > General Discussions > Topic Details. You’ll get a sniper stock as well as other useful pistol attachments.For a heavy stock later on, visit the bandit camp Duke mentions when you meet him in his lookout.

Then just keep an eye on the meter and pump it back up after a few shots.And that’s how to pump the air gun, otherwise known as the Tikhar, in Metro Exodus. Ganz besonders in den größeren Leveln bietet sie sich an, da ihr ohne Probleme auf lange Distanzen Gegner ausschalten könnt. Samuel is a long-time PC Gamer freelancer who loves RPGs and making long lists of games he'll never have time to play.

New York,

On my second playthough going for the Bad ending this time.

Its biggest improvement is probably the wider range of customizations.

Metro Exodus Railgun. But to use it, you need to know the basics. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offerValve says the time it takes to download Microsoft Flight Simulator won't affect refund requestsReceive mail from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors?

You can grab the 6x by attacking the big crane bandit camp at the center of the desert map.

I loved how devastating the Railgun was when I got it, but I was wondering if anyone knew a way to get it earlier in the game?