The Paris is a major rail, highway, and air transport hub. A raíz de la muerte de Émilien Amaury en 1977, el periódico es reanudado por su hijo Philippe que lo rebautiza Le Parisien y Aujourd'hui en France tienen una difusión acumulada de cerca de 500.000 ejemplares de media, en día de semana y 350.000 ejemplares el domingo. The paper was established as Le Parisien libéré (meaning The Free Parisian in English) by Émilien Amaury in 1944, and was published for the first time on August 22, 1944. El 23 de mayo de 2006, Philippe Amaury, presidente del grupo Amaury y director, muere como consecuencia de una larga enfermedad. More than half had been homeless for more than a year. The city was not granted municipal autonomy by the National Assembly until 1974.Once elected, the council plays a largely passive role in the city government, primarily because it meets only once a month. 7.9 billion Euros are designated for city administration, and 1.7 billion Euros for investment. El diario pierde uno de sus más grandes benefactores, conocido por haberlo reactivado, creado la edición nacional y las ediciones del domingo. Una vez el año, a veces dos, se ha vuelto casi tradicional que en la imprenta se bloquee la salida de los ejemplares. By comparison, London in 1300 had 80,000 inhabitants.Paris grew in population from about 400,000 in 1640 to 650,000 in 1780.Paris was the centre of an explosion of philosophic and scientific activity known as the In the summer of 1789, Paris became the centre stage of the The population of Paris had dropped by 100,000 during the Revolution, but between 1799 and 1815, it surged with 160,000 new residents, reaching 660,000.Late in the 19th century, Paris hosted two major international expositions: the By 1901, the population of Paris had grown to 2,715,000.On 14 June 1940, the German army marched into Paris, which had been declared an "In the 1950s and the 1960s, Paris became one front of the In the early 21st century, the population of Paris began to increase slowly again, as more young people moved into the city. Factors in the migration included Paris is the core of a built-up area that extends well beyond its limits: commonly referred to as the According to the 2012 French census, 586,163 residents of the City of Paris, or 26.2 percent, and 2,782,834 residents of the Paris Region (Île-de-France), or 23.4 percent, were born outside of A further 103,648 in the City of Paris and in 412,114 in the Paris Region were born in foreign countries with French citizenship at birth.In the Paris Region, 590,504 residents were immigrants from In 2012, there were 8,810 British citizens and 10,019 United States citizens living in the City of Paris (Ville de Paris) and 20,466 British citizens and 16,408 United States citizens living in the entire Paris Region (At the beginning of the twentieth century, Paris was the largest According to the INSEE, between 4 and 5 million French residents were born or had at least one parent born in a predominantly Muslim country, particularly The Jewish population of the Paris Region was estimated in 2014 to be 282,000, the largest concentration of Jews in the world outside of The economy of the City of Paris is based largely on services and commerce; of the 390,480 enterprises in the city, 80.6 percent are engaged in commerce, transportation, and diverse services, 6.5 percent in construction, and just 3.8 percent in industry.At the 2012 census, 59.5% of jobs in the Paris Region were in market services (12.0% in wholesale and retail trade, 9.7% in professional, scientific, and technical services, 6.5% in information and communication, 6.5% in transportation and warehousing, 5.9% in finance and insurance, 5.8% in administrative and support services, 4.6% in accommodation and food services, and 8.5% in various other market services), 26.9% in non-market services (10.4% in human health and social work activities, 9.6% in public administration and defence, and 6.9% in education), 8.2% in manufacturing and utilities (6.6% in manufacturing and 1.5% in utilities), 5.2% in construction, and 0.2% in agriculture.The Paris Region had 5.4 million salaried employees in 2010, of whom 2.2 million were concentrated in 39 The second-largest business district in terms of employment is The Paris Region is France's leading region for economic activity, with a The Paris Region economy has gradually shifted from industry to high-value-added service industries (In the 2017 worldwide cost of living survey by the In 2018, Paris was the most expensive city in the world with According to 2015 INSEE figures, 68.3 percent of employees in the City of Paris work in commerce, transportation, and services; 24.5 percent in public administration, health and social services; 4.1 percent in industry, and 0.1 percent in agriculture.The majority of Paris' salaried employees fill 370,000 businesses services jobs, concentrated in the north-western 8th, 16th and 17th arrondissements.Paris' manufacturing is mostly focused in its suburbs, and the city itself has only around 75,000 manufacturing workers, most of which are in the textile, clothing, leather goods, and shoe trades.The average net household income (after social, pension and health insurance contributions) in Paris was €36,085 for 2011.While Paris has some of the richest neighbourhoods in France, it also has some of the poorest, mostly on the eastern side of the city. Con el fin de romper esta imagen, del 25 de enero de 1986, el periódico cambió de nombre para convertirse simplemente en En la actualidad, Le Parisien es uno de los pocos diarios franceses que aumenta sus ventas y que resiste a los periódicos gratuitos. The name was changed to the current one in 1986. Le Parisien libéré se publica por primera vez el 22 de agosto de La crisis de 1970 es dramática para el diario que pierde la mitad de sus lectores. Quite the same Wikipedia. Una huelga de varios meses del Sindicato del Libro impidió toda publicación de Le Parisien libéré. The paper was originally launched as the organ of the French underground during the German occupation of France in World War II.. Le Parisien (intitulé complet : Le Parisien libéré [réf. We have created a browser extension. It reached 2.25 million in 2011.