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In addition, Everke wants to check whether the imported business with delivery services and take-away moves back. The company was founded by Kent Hahne, Gregor Gerlach, Klaus Rader, and Mark Korzilius on October 22, 2002 and is headquartered in Bonn, Germany. Kent Hahne, Chef der Apeiron GmbH, spezialisiert auf Franchising und Systemgastronomie und Betreiber der Restaurants Vapiano, L’Osteria und Gin Yuu im Raum Köln, Bonn und Koblenz im Gespräch mit Falk Ch. VAPIANO SE on the acquisition of seven restaurants from franchisee and co-founder Kent Hahne 4 October 2015 _____ RASCHKE VON KNOBELSDORFF HEISER (RKH) advises VAPIANO SE in connection with the acquisition of the shares held by Mr. Kent Hahne in two companies operating a total number of seven restaurants in Cologne, Bonn and Koblenz. “It’s interactive cooking,” says Kent Hahne, president of Vapiano. Das Restaurantkonzept ist eine Marke der Muttergesellschaft Apeiron , die in Deutschland neben dem Steakhaus 17 L'Osteria Restaurants und die Eigenmarken …

Employees should have been paid less than they would have been allowed. GinYuu employs restaurant chain elements like front cooking and chip payment, which have already proved successful at Vapiano. Please whitelist to continue to our site and enjoy an Ad-Light experience.

Who are Vapiano and what’s their game? Several times, the company had to lower its business expectations. The chain quickly became known and expanded worldwide. Kent Hahne, 58 Great Falls, VA. Vapiano can be found in nine countries and expects 20 new locations by the end of 2008.

CEO Everke has at least set itself the business goals in the future to achieve more reliable: ... "We want to meet our promised forecasts in the future." That's because the restaurants can be found in almost every major German city. Seit dem Verkauf seiner Anteile und derer anderer Mitgründer im Jahr 2011 gehört Vapiano den Tchibo-Erben Günter Herz und Daniela Herz-Schnoeckl (44 Prozent), Mitgründer Gregor Gerlach (30 Prozent) sowie der Darmstädter Unternehmerfamilie Sander (26 Prozent).Hahne wolle sich mit seiner Apeiron AG auf die Expansion seiner beiden Systemgastronomiebetriebe L'Osteria und Gin Yuu konzentrieren, hieß es zur Begründung für den Verkauf. Vapiano was founded in 2002 by Mark Kozilius, Kent Hahne, Gregor Gerlach, Friedemann Findeis and Klaus Rader.

While Vapiano emphasizes self-service, diners also can place drink orders with staff that provide table service.

Kent Hahne eröffnete im August 2006 sein erstes eigenes Vapiano-Restaurant in Köln. "Die Akquisition der sehr erfolgreichen Restaurants ist für uns ein weiterer strategischer Meilenstein im Ausbau unseres selbstgeführten Restaurant-Netzes", so Halfmann.Vapiano hatte fürs laufende Jahr einen Umsatz von mehr als 450 Millionen Euro im System prognostiziert nach 386 Millionen im Vorjahr.

Those who denied McDonald's could feel at home with Vapiano. Never miss a beat, with the best in food, booze, news, offers, comps and more delivered direct to your inbox . Accordingly, sales should continue to grow at a double-digit rate. "There was always criticism from customers that waiting times are too long," says Zeller. Photo gallery: What the Vapiano founders are doing today Whether this will be enough to improve the image of Vapiano among the customers, is open. At the end of 2018, then CEO Jochen Halfman had to vacate his post. View Kent Hahne’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Despite self-service prices are also hardly smaller than the Italians around the corner. Vapiano was founded in 2002 by Mark Kozilius, Kent Hahne, Gregor Gerlach, Friedemann Findeis and Klaus Rader. So trust was lost that Vapiano now has to struggle to win back. Also in dealing with employees, there were always allegations.

The then CEO Halfmann then announced that he had commissioned the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers with a wholehearted investigation of the incidents. Oktober übernommen. The company now operates 231 restaurants in 33 countries - from Egypt and the United Arab Emirates to Chile or Japan. Über einen Kaufpreis wurde nichts bekannt. Vapiano is a German restaurant franchise company headquartered in Cologne. His successor Cornelius Everke announced last week, possibly close individual branches. The chain quickly became known and expanded worldwide. "Tchibo-Erben investieren in Pasta". Kommentar zu Billigfliegern am CGN Kent Hahne, successful restauranteur and cofounder of restaurant chain Vapiano, launched GinYuu, his latest concept restaurant, in late 2013. Vollblut-Gastronom Kent Hahne weiß sehr genau, was Gästeherzen höher schlagen lässt. More Vapiano branches will in future be operated by franchisees in order to minimize the risk to the company. Adblocker. Flughafen wächst und investiert