)Er trink keinen Kaffee.
)Sie isst keinen Apfel.
He is drinking no cup of coffee.
Since I have been learning English as a second language myself for almost 20 years now I know how difficult it is to learn a language other than your native one.
– Ich habe keinen Hunger.
)For more language learning advice, free resources, and information about how we can help you reach your language goals, select the most relevant newsletter(s) for you and sign up below.Hello everybody!
She is eating no apple. When to use kein. instead of an indefinite article Example: Das ist eine Katze. We use kein in the negation of German sentences: with nouns that don’t have an article Example: Ich habe Hunger. – No, I have no pen.
Thus, I am always willing to keep my explanations about German grammar comprehensible and short.
Information and translations of keinen in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions … – That’s not a cat.
• Keine is also accusative in nature.
– She doesn’t eat apples. • Nicht is used with verbs and adjectives, whereas Kein is used with nouns. Regards, / No, I don’t have a sister.4. )Er trinkt eine Tasse Kaffee. Let’s take a look!
– No, I am not hungry.
– He doesn’t drink coffee.
– She isn’t eating an apple. Nein, Ich habe keine Schwester.
• While Kein is used to reflect No, Nicht is used to reflect Not and Don’t.
– No, I have no time. Please check your inbox for your confirmation email.© 2020 Transparent Language, Inc. All Rights Reserved.© 2020 Transparent Language, Inc. All Rights Reserved. So, all you have to do is to add the letter k to the indefinite articles and you will always obtain the corresponding negation word. This article attempts to remove this confusion by highlighting the difference between Kein and Keine.If you are asked by a person whether you have a particular thing or have a relative such as a brother or a sister and you have to answer in negative, you have to make use of Kein. • Kein and Keine are two different forms of declension in German. Kein vs Keine • Both Kein and Keine are used for negation in German, but whereas Kein is masculine nominative, Keine is feminine nominative. Meaning of keinen.
She eats no apples. / No, I don’t have a son.5. No, I have no hunger.)3.
That’s a cat. – Are you hungry? He drinks no coffee. Please note, that you can only negate you statement with kein when the noun you are talking about is either used without articles or with indefinite articles. / No, I don’t have children.6. (lit. (lit. – Das ist keine Katze.
Use Kein when you want to let others know that you have no jacket, pet, house or any other thing.In German, all three, namely, Kein, Keine, and Keinen are used to decline.
– I’m not hungry. ein.
There are only three options used for negating in German: nein, nicht or kein. Nein is for yes/no questions, kein/e is used before nouns and nicht for the rest. keine. Kein is negative indefinite article.• Both Kein and Keine are used for negation in German, but whereas Kein is masculine nominative, Keine is feminine nominative.• Kein and Keine are two different forms of declension in German.Coming from Engineering cum Human Resource Development background, has over 10 years experience in content developmet and management. / No, I don’t have time.2.
Nein, ich habe keine Kinder. But when and how to use which one can be a tiny bit confusing, as they work a little differently than their English counterparts. kein/keine/kein is the negative article (English "no") "nicht" is the negation adverb (English "not") So far, so good - if natural languages could be translated word by word. For example, when I ask you the following questions:2. It is also accusative in nature. Perhaps the most common words used in German negation are nicht (not) and kein(no, none).
– He is drinking a cup of coffee.Er trink keine Tasse Kaffee. Nein, ich habe keinen Stift. SandraLanguage courses should focus less on what students know about the language (grammar rules, conjugation tables, etc… How to get native speakers to stop responding to you in English: Homeschool and French teachers, spread the word about this online French course designed for teens! Toggle navigation chatterbug When someone is asking you in German for a particular noun, for example, when you are asked if you have or posses something, e.g. Definition of keinen in the Definitions.net dictionary. I’m hungry. Do you have hunger?)1. keine. What does keinen mean? (lit. / No, I don’t have a pen.Please note, that you can only negate you statement with Sie isst keine Äpfel. While Kein is masculine nominative, Keine is feminine nominative. (lit. Thank you!
kein: die. (lit. However, one has to keep in mind the masculinity or femininity (gender), as well as singular and plural, before choosing between Kein and Keine. Hast du Hunger. I studied English and American Studies, Communication Science, and Political Science at the University of Greifswald. In particular, the difference between Kein and Keine for negation is troublesome for students. Please check your inbox for your confirmation email.Thank you! There are many different words to negate or to say no in German language.
This is confusing for students of German as they find it easier in English. – No, I have no son.
– No, I have no sister. Further, I am inclined to encourage you to speak German in every situation.
– No, I have no children.
Nein, ich habe keinen Sohn.
– He isn’t drinking a cup of coffee. Nein, ich habe keine Zeit. Nein, ich habe keinen Hunger. • When the noun to be negated is a definite article, Kein is used while Nicht is used when the noun is an indefinite article.