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Das Drama des begabten Kindes und die Suche nach dem wahren Selbst.

I am having a hard time getting through reading all of it - not only because it is sickening - but because Miller hasn't begun writing herself or getting to the point yet. It's not a book in which anyone is blamed but rather a book in which she explores the way in which child-rearing can ultimately lead to violence in adulthood. 730 1. The idea of raising a child with respect and boundaries and giving them to safety and freedom to express all of the feelings within them is a great start to giving them a head start in a life where one requires access to their whole self to truly live a fulfilled life. In my opinion the best of Alice Miller's writing, it provides a well researched analysis of child rearing manuals over the centuries and their impact on our attitudes and behaviour towards children. As such, it's completely fascinating. Good condition.

List price € [D] 44.99 * RRP. The second half should get better and to the point (I would expect! Am Anfang War Erziehung By Miller, Alice. Pages: 327. in imitation of more, why should be appropriately difficult to get the baby book if you can choose the easier one? Buchfreund. Alice Miller continues where she left off in Drama of a Gifted Child. Buchfreund. Save for later . If we grow, repressed from certain emotions and grow up without parents who loved us, respected us or were there for us, then there are no limits to how far our lives can unravel, through any combination of vice, to fill those unmet needs as children. “For the human soul is virtually indestructible, and its ability to rise from the ashes remains as long as the body draws breath.”“Theoretically, I can imagine that someday we will regard or children not add creatures to manipulate or to change but rather as messengers from a world we once deeply knew, but which we have long since forgotten, who can reveal to us more about the true secrets of life, and also our own lives, than our parents were ever able to.” File: PDF, 29.15 MB. The second half should get better and to the point (I would expect! Available copies. how men relate to women, adults to children, white people to people of color, so on)Finally someone breaking up with the old, with the same old fairy tales based on belief and employing logic when empirical observation is plagued by confirmation bias.So far the entire first third of the book is excerpts from writings about 'parenting' from Germany around 1770-1800. The writing and choice of case studies sometimes seems overwrought, and a large section is devoted to Adolf Hitler's childhood and the impact of Nazism (which came as a surprise to me), yet many of Miller's insights can be applied to a more general population. Show Details. Thank you Anne for your recommendation One of my child rearing bibles. Read 78 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. On recommendation from my therapist. Year: 1983. Prices are subject to change without notice. Used - Good. A worthwhile read for those interested in psychology or child development.This is 'must read' material for anyone looking to quell oppressive dynamics. Show all copies. In diesem Buch öffnet uns Alice Miller die Augen über die verheerenden Folgen der Erziehung – die ja angeblich nur das Beste für das Kind will. Prices in € represent the retail prices valid in Germany (unless otherwise indicated). The key insight is that some people believe their parents that abuse is "for their own good", and they associate abuse with love, because to admit that their parents don't love them would be devastating. ISBN 10: 3518374516. The idea of raising a child with respect and boundaries and giving them to safety and freedom to express all of the feelings within them is a great start to giving them a head start in a life where one requires access to their whole self to truly live a fulfilled life. My teacher recommended it because I have German ancestry, and this book was one of the most illuminating I've read in a long time. 1980), gebunden und suhrkamp taschenbuch 951, letzte Aufl. A fascinating idea on how child abuse and later aggression and criminality are related.

Am Anfang war Erziehung Alice Miller. The writing and choice of case studies sometimes seems overwrought, and a large section is devoted to Adolf Hitler's childhood and the impact of Nazism (which came as a surprise to me), yet many of Miller's insights can be applied to a more general population. Sie tut dies zum einen durch eine Analyse der “Schwarzen Pädagogik” und zum anderen durch die Darstellung der Kindheit einer Drogensüchtigen (Christiane F.), eines Diktators (Adolf Hitler) und eines Kindesmörders (Jürgen Bartsch). Her psychoanalytic perspective along with her anecdotal analysis of famous historical people makes for great reading.Pedagogy fills the needs of parents, not of children.I really wanted to give this five stars, because I think this is a very important book. Psychoanalyst Alice Miller explains clearly [even in translation:] what it does to a person's psyche to have been routinely punished by a caregiver for any reason and for no reason. If you reflect on this continuum, as Alice Miller does, you realize that many of her case study examples are as immediate today as they ever were since violence is a trait passed down through experience and it is so unerringly inserted deep in the mind of an abused child that it remains almost invisible until an opportunity presents itself for it to blossom horribly within its unwitting host.This is an older book written in 1980 that I came across sitting on the floor of a dusty, old used book store.