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Besides, one of the prime attraction, the grotto, is still being carved into the glacier every year. > Unsere Sommer- & Herbstangebote > Unser Sommermagazin The 3-star hotel Belvedere in Wengen (1275m above sea level) invites you for active holidays in the impressive mountain world of the Bernese Oberland.

During this time the number of hotels in Valais increased from 79 in 1880 to over 320 just before the First World War—a four time increase in just over three decades. Direkte Anbindung … Upon checking we were guided over to an amazing terrace, where we got a welcomes-drink. Some speculate that the Rhone Glacier has retreated so much in the past hundred years that it’s no longer an attraction, and since the attraction itself is disappearing so is the business that kept the hotel’s doors open.While the Rhone Glacier is indeed disappearing fast (the glacier lost 1,300 meters during the last 120 years), it is still as close to Hotel Belvédère as it was a century ago. At the turn of the 20th century, when the hotel industry boomed throughout Switzerland, Josef Seiler dared a new extension to the hotel—a gable roof with two additional floors, giving the hotel its current appearance. Looking for Belvédère Strandhotel? Wir freuen uns sehr, Sie wieder im Hotel Belvedere willkommen zu heissen.

Cars had become too powerful and fast, so what was previously a two- or three-day trip through the pass became a one-day round trip. We value your privacy To give you a personalised experience we (and the third parties we work with) collect info about how and when you use Skyscanner.

Im Belvedere erwarten Sie nebst den nötigen Sicherheitsmassnahmen die gewohnte Gastfreundschaft und Service. The Belvédère Hotel is raised on a rock, practically over the glacier, so the view is available right from the hotel’s balconies while guests are slurping their morning coffees. Re-opening may be possible but it seems as that the decline in tourist to the shrinking Rhone Glacier has put a strain on the very old hotel. With us you will find everything your heart desires: spectacular views from all Plus there are endless possibilities for exciting excursions in the Book direct and get free dinners, free accommodation for your children and much more!Just to start with arriving over at the Hotel. It was here, in 1882, the young hotelier, Josef Seiler, The building of Hotel Belvédère belongs to the last major wave of development that began in the whole of Switzerland in the 1880s. With us you will find everything your heart desires: spectacular views from all rooms, fine dining and a small but attractive spa area with salt-water Jacuzzi in the garden. This image was taken in 2016.
Not only that but from the 1890s onward, an ice chamber inside the glacier has been carved out, re-drilled and maintained as a walkable tunnel. The number of beds during the same period increased from just under 4,000 to over 15,000. (Something that wasn't a problem at all). Hotel Belvédère has never been the same since.A couple of years ago, the hotel closed—and although there has been so official announcement—it will probably never open again. So a new grotto is carved every year at the exact same spot. Enjoy your vacation in the Jungfrau region at the foot of the world-famous Eiger. Guests who previously stayed overnight now took a quick trip to the Rhone Glacier, had lunch or just a cup of tea at the hotel, and left. Compare reviews and find deals on hotels in with Skyscanner Hotels. Enjoy your vacation in the Jungfrau region at the foot of the world-famous Eiger.

A monument of times passed.