6510. 16915. KUAI Man.
17915. TRIGOLOS Daria. 7140.
DRAGOMAN Andreea. 3 . 5 .
1. 2. 10620. 2 .
World Taekwondo Lausanne Office. 6780.
Avenue de Rhodanie 54 1007 Lausanne. 2.
CHEN Meng. Rank. 3.
Previous Points. 1. Name.
SUN Yingsha. JPN. The latest Table Tennis news and results can be found here on the official ITTF website. 2.
Points. 8136. XU Xin. 4 .
THAKKAR Manav Vikash.
Previous . IND.
11820. 3 . 6975. Previous Points. Name.
Due to the current suspension of ITTF events in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the latest ITTF Rankings, as released on 16th April 2020, will be frozen until activities resume. CHN. 6495. OJIO Haruna. 1 .
1 . MA Long.
6525. 1 . CHN.
Rank. Previous . 15080. Points. 17915. Assoc.
Email: office@worldtaekwondo.org. Assoc. WU Yangchen. 1. Tischtennis Weltrangliste Damen /Mädchen und die Tischtennis Weltrangliste Herren /Jungen auf TTvideos.de - DIE Tischtennis Video Plattform mit umfangreicher Datenbank 16335.
Welcome to the home of the International Table Tennis Federation!
4 . ROU.
Previous .
6933. 1.
Previous . Previous Points. SHIOMI Maki. Rank. 2.
3 .
CHN. 3. Assoc. 3 .
FRA. Previous Points. 17015.
2 .
6245. 17260. FENG Yi-Hsin. Points.
2 . 15440. 3. CHN. Assoc. 6695. Points. 3.
Tel : +41 21 601 50 13. Name.
Name. CHN. REMBERT Bastien.
Rank. 15165. Fax : +41 21 601 59 83 JPN. ITO Mima. 17260.
2 . Previous . Rank. Switzerland. CHN.
FAN Zhendong. Assoc. More details here. Points.
1 . Previous Points. 6486. Name.