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These synchronized, side-by-side, rotors were typical for Flettner helicopters.In 1941/1942 the Kriegsmarine used a Fl 282 for tests on board of the CL As a result of this test, 20 of the prototypes were used on board on Kriegsmarine ships operating in the Mediterranean for reconnaissance and escort duty. Die Flettner Fl 282 Kolibri war ein kleiner deutscher Militärhubschrauber aus der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs, der als Aufklärer und Borderkunder eingesetzt wurde.

Operating low over the Ardennes Forest they destroyed two American tanks at a loss of two of their own, one to a British Spitfire, the other to groundfire.Good handling in bad weather led the German Air Ministry to issue a contract in 1944 to BMW to produce 1,000 units. Over 1000 helicopters were ordered, but because of the damages caused by heavy allied air attacks, the production was  never started.At the end of the war, only three Flettner Fl 282 were still operational and none of this remarkable aircraft survived until today. Until this time the craft had been flown by a single pilot, but now a position for an observer was added at the very rear of the craft, resulting in the B-2 version.

The Fl 282 was undoubtedly Anton Flettner's most successful helicopter development. [1] The innovative Flettner Fl 282 was one of the first (if not the first) operational helicopter that was used on board of ships. The innovative Flettner Fl 282 was one of the first (if not the first) operational helicopter that was used on board of ships. Энциклопедия мировой авиации. According to Yves Le Bec, the Flettner Fl 282 was the world's first series production helicopter. It had a Siemens-Halske Sh 14 radial engine of 150-160 hp mounted in the center of the fuselage, with a transmission mounted on the front of the engine from which a drive shaft ran to an upper gearbox, which then split the power to a pair of opposite drive shafts to turn the rotors.The Sh 14 engine was a tried and true design that only required s…

Today one can say without exaggeration that it was the best helicopter of its day. Энциклопедия мировой авиации.

The first two "A" series prototypes had enclosed cockpits; all subsequent examples had open cockpits and were designated "B" series. Er war der erste in Serie gebaute Hubschrauber und einer der ersten Hubschrauber, mit dem nennenswerte Flugleistungen erbracht werden konnten.

However, as the war progressed, the Luftwaffe began considering converting the Fl 282 for battlefield use.

Being the successor of the Flettner Fl 265 which first flew in May 1939, the Flettner 282 was only build in small numbers, 30 prototypes and 15 pre production vehicles were completed. Being the successor of the Flettner Fl 265 which first flew in May 1939, the Flettner 282 was only build in small numbers, 30 prototypes and 15 pre production vehicles were completed. Flettner Fl 282 Kolibri (Флеттнер Fl 282 Колибри). Взето от „ https://bg.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Flettner_Fl_282&oldid=10252861 “. The Flettner Fl 282 Kolibri ("Hummingbird") is a single-seat intermeshing rotor helicopter, or synchropter, produced by Anton Flettner of Germany. During the Battle of the Bulge a formation of five of these aircraft conducted the world's first helicopter strike against armour. An improved version of the Flettner was ordered into production in 1940 for the Kriegsmarine as the Fl 282 Kolibri (“Hummingbird.”) A few were completed with fully enclosed Plexiglas cockpits, but on production models the pilot’s seat was entirely open, with excellent downward visibility. The exact date on which the RLM issued the development contract for the Fl 282 is not known. The Fl 282 Kolibri was an improved version of the Flettner Fl 265, announced in July 1940, which had the same intermeshing rotor configuration as the earlier helicopter.