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After his junior title he is now aiming for the double in the DKM.

Evenement National Allemagne DKM. Deutsche Kart-Meisterschaft Wackersdorf 2019 Samstag ab ca 10:20 Sonntag ab ca 09:30 Live Streaming – DKM Kerpen. GET YOUR NEW MUSIC PLAYED SAT & SUN NIGHT on Caribbean Fever 107.5 WBLS NY Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Die DKM jetzt im Live-Stream unter www.kart-dm.de.

The DKM starts the 2020 season today, unfortunately without spectators on the track. After the German Kart Championship announced the relocation of the second race weekend to Kerpen a few days ago, a survey of the participants followed. Visitez le site web de Victory Lane. Deutsche Kart-Meisterschaft Kerpen 2019 live Samstag ab ca. These organizations put their donations to work NOW – to help real people in need. Termine DKM 2020: 07.-09.08.2020 – Kerpen Live Streaming – DKM Kerpen. His fellow countryman De Haan (Energy Corse) could become one of his strongest opponents.

You can still experience the DKM and Mach1 Motorsport live, here we have summarized all the links to the live stream, the social media platforms of our drivers and the organizers and the live timing. If YOU want to add to the contributions of DKM and the sponsors, you can – and you don’t even have to wait until the stream starts. If you still want to be part of the DKM or the predicates DJKM, DSKM, DSKC and DEKM, you can register for the championships online under www.kart-dm.de. Evenement National Allemagne DKM. by Kartcom 08/08/2020 10:02. Winners Kris Haanen (DJKM), Kas Haverkort (DKM), Jorrit Pex, Fabian Federer (both DSKM) and Julian Müller (DSKC) kept the coolest heads. Live-Action im Online-Stream und YouTube.com Alle Fans daheim oder unterwegs können die Rennen der DKM und seiner Prädikate im Live-Stream auf www.kart-dm.de verfolgen. On Saturday and Sunday, the entire race campaign will be streamed live on the online stream. KSP ReportagesNecessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. live timing / live stream powered by: Porsche Sprint Challenge Salzburgring 2020; ... DKM Special Kerpen; Deutsche Kart-Meisterschaft 2020; Histo-Cup Salzburgring 2020; KartGlobe Karting Global News Network; Motorsportfestival Salzburgring 2020; 08/08/2020 10:02. DKM-Kerpen 2 in normaler Fahrtrichtung. These cookies do not store any personal information.Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Auf Grund der Corona-Pandemie sind die Organisatoren gezwungen besondere Maßnahmen zu verfolgen. 110 drivers from Europe started into the new season of the German Kart Championship last weekend (August 7th – 9th) and experienced a red-hot battle. All our partners . Watch KART-DATA's DKM Kerpen 2019 on Livestream.com. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.The new version of kartcom.com can be viewed easily on all platforms.At the forefront of web technologies, the functionality of version 2 has been greatly extended to facilitate the organisation of race results, statistics and related information.Kartcom.com has become a unique database for all drivers, professionals and enthusiasts of the discipline of karting.Ce site Web utilise des cookies pour améliorer votre expérience.

Dates DKM 2020: 07.-09.08.2020 - Kerpen 28.-30.08.2020 - Mülsen 25.-27.09.2020 - Wackersdorf With a delay of three months, the German Kart Championship is now going to start into the new season. Due to the regulations, the five best drivers of the last year rise to the DKM or DSKC and make way for new drivers. 10:30 Sonntag ab ca.09:15 There’s no overlap with the big racing series and the travelling of the teams has also been taken into consideration”, series coordinator Stefan Wagner explains. As one of the last big kart racing series, the DKM is now also going to start into the racing action and is looking forward to a high-class field of participants in Kerpen. A completely new balance of power can be seen at the DSKC. Home Notizie Evenement National Live Streaming – DKM Kerpen. Current champion Robert De Haan from the Netherlands is not going to participate again and all of his pursuers of the past years have also quit. „We all had to learn to deal with the situation, but we think that we’ve still managed to find a good compromise. DKM-Saisonstart in Kerpen gesichert. Moreover, there will be inside-stores on the social media channels of the DKM.

Kas Haverkoort (SFR Motorsport) is still starting though.

With Jorrit and Stan Pex (SP Motorsport), Fabian Federer (SRP Racing Team) and Alexander Schmitz (BirelART KSW Racing), four DSKM champions are going to participate and guarantee close duels. Streaming Outta Fenway will raise funds for Boston Resiliency Fund, Habitat For Humanity Greater Boston, and Feeding America. Spectetators are not allowed at the track.Rookie or routine driver – who will prevail on the track?From a sportive point of view, the races in Kerpen can be awaited with high anticipation. Nach dem die Deutsche Kart-Meisterschaft vor wenigen Tagen die Verlegung des zweiten Rennwochenendes nach Kerpen bekannt gab, folgte nun eine Umfrage unter den Teilnehmern.Drei Wochen vor der Premiere der Deutschen Kart-Meisterschaft auf der neuen Rennstrecke in Mülsen (Sachsen) sagt der Veranstalter Kart-Club-Sachsen e.V. Dates DKM 2020: 07.-09.08.2020 - Kerpen Due to the official requirements, there will be no live audience at the event in Kerpen.

But there will be an extensive live-stream again at with more than 16 hours of live images on Saturday and Sunday.

cancels the event.