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Genya shot at the surprised Demon, blowing his head to bits.Genya manages to defeat his opponent, spearing him to a tree and ripping his head off. Seeing his bloodied siblings, subconsciously aware that they were already dead but unable to fully process it, Genya set out for a doctor but soon stumbled across Sanemi, with their mother lying dead at his feet.

Later on, Genya realized his mistake and decided to join the Demon Slayers to try and reconcile his relationship with his brother. “Hey Genya, we're friends right?” The girl asked, hitting the boy's shoulder softly, Genya took a quick glance at the girl, and ignored the girl's question. When they spy the small demon, Genya throws a tree at the demon in his anger. Mitsuri decides to hold off Zohakuten while Genya, Tanjiro, and Nezuko pursue Hantengu's main body. As the sole son of the family, he becomes the male heir, the next head of the Ubuyashiki family and the first in line to inherit his father's position as commander of the Demon Slayer Corps.

His father is hated among the villagers and is eventually stabbed to death by an unknown assailant. Although he found he had no talent for Genya's assault on the proctor is stopped by TanjiroLater, at the Butterfly Estate under unknown circumstances, Genya intentionally bumped into Tanjiro, ignoring his greeting afterwards.Genya later appeared at the Swordsmith Village, ignoring Mitsuri when she asked for his name—though out of shyness rather than spite—and is found by Tanjiro in the hot springs. Before Genya can shoot the Demon, Zohakuten uses his When Mitsuri arrives and starts fighting Zohakuten, he goes to protect her when the Demon stuns and nearly kills her. Before it could attack Genya, however, Sanemi tackled it out of their window to the streets below and ordered Genya to run away. Genya Shinazugawa (不死川 玄弥, Shinazugawa Gen’ya) is a harsh and foul-mouthed individual obsessed with nothing beyond demon killing.

The season for the show has been announced to be premiered in October 2020 as eliminated above but postponed.

He turns to face Tanjiro, his appearance now resembling a Demon's, then grabbed him and told him not to push his luck, as he would kill the Upper Rank. He pries the demon's hands off and then rips off his arms, while Nezuko shoots fire at him. Nonetheless, he did whatever he could to help his allies, even if it got him horribly maimed in the process.

In the ensuing panic, Genya watched helplessly as the figure—which he assumed to be a wolf—attacked them.

He also possessed a large, jagged scar that ran over his right cheekbone from his ear and to over his nose. His hair is styled into a buzz cut, with only a small clump of messy black hair left to grow on the top of his head.

Later on, Genya realized his mistake and decided to join the Demon Slayers to try and reconcile his relationship with his brother. After firing another shot at the tiny Hantengu, he discovers his tactic would not work.

When Hantengu grabs Tanjiro, Genya goes to his aid. Read Demon Slayer Manga Online in High Quality - Genya Shinazugawa He misses, however, so the three give chase once again.

When they get constricted by the wood dragons, Genya simply eats the dragon to free themselves and absorb its Demonic abilities. Tanjiro, emulating However, Hantegu's resentment causes him to split again, creating a larger body around himself, while he is hidden inside its heart. Kimetsu no Yaiba Wikia is a FANDOM Anime Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

The sun sets as Genya and (Y/n) went on a mission, announced by their crows.

At the time of his debut during the Final Selection, Genya was a short, young man with large, inward-slanting eyes.

He goes on to deny Tanjiro's defeat of Genya heads northeast at Tanjiro's instruction to find the fifth Hantengu, noting with frustration that he still couldn't see him, only to finally notice him: A small version of Hantengu's original form, only about the size of a rat.

Sekido ambushes him from behind and Genya only has time to apologize to Sanemi in his mind for "what happened back then", noting that he only wanted to become a Hashira so his sibling would accept him.Luckily, he is saved at the last second by Tanjiro and Nezuko, but after Hantengu’s hatred forcefully combines with his fellow aspects into Zohakuten, he attacks Tanjiro. Hantengu, Nezuko, and Tanjiro fall off a cliff. Genya, in his confusion and panic, labeled Sanemi a murderer and cradled their mother's body in his arms as she dissolved in the rising sunlight. Genya, heavily injured, is unable to help further in the fight. Despite his brother's harsh rebukes, he bore no ill will towards him, a belief reinforced by Tanjiro and eventually by Sanemi himself. Four of his siblings ran to the door despite Genya's protests that it might not be their mother, but before he could react, the door is sliced open and they were cut down immediately. Genya belonged to a family of seven children with a hardworking mother who never slept and an abusive father who would beat her and his children.

“Stop calling me by my first name..” As suspicion and worry began to cross the minds of the children, alone and unprotected, a loud knock is heard from their door. During his first appearance, Genya is seen wearing a purple, sleeveless yukata over a plain black shirt with long sleeves. Genya is a foul-mouthed and ill-tempered individual; a "lone wolf" who refused any help from others and did not show any interest in being polite or having any manners.