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Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to accommodation type. Wegen der COVID-19-Pandemie wird die Messe 2020 abgesagt und auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt verschoben! Booking.com will make an effort to obscure email addresses, telephone numbers, website addresses, social media accounts, and similar details. There is a public swimming pool some 8 minutes walk away We recommend booking a free cancellation option in case your travel plans need to change.For bookings made on or after 6 April 2020, we advise you to consider the risk of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and associated government measures. März von Seiten der Behören abgesagt. All distances are measured in straight lines. As this was a stopover we didn't have time to visit the surroundings. Bitte bringen Sie Körbe und Taschen für Ihre Einkäufe mit. There is a public swimming pool some 8 minutes walk away”“On our way North after a hot week in Lido di Jesolo at Italy's best hotel Ancora, we set our GPS's at Bayreuth area and Hotel Schloss Thurnau. Jahrhundert ein Rittergeschlecht. Choose your preferred language. Nice location in small town, beautiful historic building They are also applicable regardless of the sentiment of the comment. Nice, small and quaint village. Unser „Pflanzentaxi“ bringt Ihnen Ihre Einkäufe kistenweise für einen Unkostenbeitrag direkt zum Parkplatz Thurnau-Ost, von dem aus der Shuttle verkehrt. Booking.com B.V. is based in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and is supported internationally by Things to Do in Thurnau, Germany: See Tripadvisor's 10 traveler reviews and photos of Thurnau tourist attractions.

very good to use as a base for visiting the surrounding cities / area. Google disclaims all warranties related to the translations, express or implied, including any warranties of accuracy, reliability, and any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. Amazing breakfast Nice, small and quaint village. Please try again later. Voller Vorfreude auf das bevorstehende Osterfest probieren, aussuchen, genießen und einkaufen! Please don’t include personal, political, ethical, or religious commentary.

Sorry, reservations for more than 30 nights are not possible. Couples particularly like the location — they rated it Nice and professional staff, good food in a delightful setting outdoors in the courtyard.”“Top Lage für ruhige Stunden, schönes Schlossambiente, Frühstück trotz Corona sehr gut. The restoration work is very thoughtful and elegant, it worked very well with the fabric of the building. Booking.com is a distributor (without any obligation to verify) and not a publisher of these questions and answers. We speak English and 43 other languages. So können Sie ohne Transportprobleme einkaufen!Einst regierte in der prächtigen Schlossanlage aus dem 13. Location is fabulous.

Thanks! This lets us know that our reviews come from real guests, like you. Schloss Thurnau accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.“Nice location in small town, beautiful historic building”“ambiance of being inside an historic castleWonderful breakfast buffet Restaurant closed on monday but good value Italian cuisine just beside, lovely walk to lake”“Location is fabulous. hmmmmm….

Very quiet and safe place, surrounded by nature. Easy access to the highway. The restoration work is very thoughtful and elegant, it worked very well with the fabric of the building. The most helpful contributions are detailed and help others make better decisions. During times of uncertainty, we recommend booking an option with free cancellation. )Couples policies (are non-married individuals allowed?)

Your cancellation request will be handled by the property based on your chosen policy and mandatory consumer law, where applicable. Unsere Spezialisten informieren über Osterbräuche und Pflanzenwissen.Lenzrosen, Blumen- und Steckzwiebeln, Heil- und Wildkräuter, Tomaten- und Chilipflanzen, junges Gemüse, Frühjahrsblüher, Tulpen, Märzenbecher, Bärlauch, Kübel- und Containerpflanzen, Stauden und alpine Stauden in größter Vielfalt, Clematis, Rosen, Gehölze, alte Beeren-, Wein- und Obstsorten, Sempervivum, Buchse, Kartoffeln, Blattspinat und alles, was zur Marktzeit bei den Biogärtnern zu haben ist, und, und und…erwartet Sie, das Tipps, Vorführungen und Ideen rund um Ostergebräuche, Ostergeschenkchen.