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You’ll also have the opportunity to take a variety of English electives, such as creative writing, business writing, environmental nonfiction, medieval literature and more.Graduates from Arizona State University use their degree in English to become award-winning poets, TV executives, faith leaders, public servants and education leaders. Navigation for Entire University Literature).In the course of their studies, MA majors are required to complete the following graded modules:In the course of their studies, MA minors are required to complete the following graded modules (all within the chosen specialization):Up to 9 credits can be acquired in the other specialization.The MA major program consists of 90 ECTS covering three semesters of courses (seminars and lectures) and a final semester devoted to the MA thesis. Vorabinformationen zum BBiG 2020 "Bachelor Professional" und "Master Professional" sind im neuen BBiG verankert. Show more The MA in English offers a wide variety of topics, theoretical approaches and historical perspectives to explore.The MA programs convey profound historical and systematic knowledge of the varieties of the English language as well as English-speaking literatures and cultures. The degree also enhances leadership and problem-solving skills. +49 (0)761 203 4246 Mo – Thu 9am – 4:30pm Fr 9am – 12noon studienberatung@ Sedanstraße 6 Graduating with a degree in English means you’ll have a strong grasp in writing, speaking, communication methods and critical thinking. Improve your methodological skills. Nach Ansicht der Bundesbildungsministerin drücken Bachelor Professional und Master Professional die Gleichwertigkeit eines beruflichen und eines akademischen Abschlusses aus. Keep in mind: More than 80% of our students receive financial aid. This online English degree is designed to let you choose specific areas of focus. automated calls, prerecorded voice messages, SMS/text messages or email at the information You are considered a freshman for application purposes if you have not attended college at all, or have fewer than 12 transferable credit hours (with a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA).Our tuition calculator can help you estimate full-time tuition fees for this program without financial aid.
Required for the selection of a specialisation is a Bachelor's degree in one of the subjects of the corresponding subject areas.

Die Lehramtsausbildung erfolgt im Bachelor-Master-Studiensystem. Bachelor minor in Languages and Literatures in English from the University of Bern or an equivalent degree, provided that the master's degree can be successfully completed with an additional maximum of 60 ECTS credits. You can also develop strong, effective oral and written communication abilities and learn to work in teams. Total classes:

that allow admission to the desired master's degree program without any assessment:It is strongly recommended that you obtain a qualification in a classical language (Latin and/or Greek).If you are applying with an international degree, you must provide evidence of having achieved the minimum grade in one of the following language tests (the choice is yours) provided this is not more than six months old at the time of application.
Future Sun Devil English as an academic pursuit covers everything from reading and analyzing texts to academic and professional writing.

You can expect to develop some important cross-disciplinary abilities by completing the bachelor’s degree in English. Staatsexamen abschließt. Language and Linguistics), and another 14-18 credits in the other field (e.g. Der Abschluss ist dem 1. ASU Online is dedicated to providing innovative, high-quality online education to Sun Devils from across the country and around the world. The program’s rigorous coursework imparts valuable critical reading and writing skills through analysis of literature and language, rhetoric and writing, and film and media studies. … 1 Antworten: Nach dem Bachelorabschluss hat sie im Herbst 2012 mit dem Masterstudium begonnen.