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US founder of OGN held by Jihadis in Idlib province Reporters Without Borders 14:35. Moving forces into northern Iraq is the president's third major military incursion against the Kurds since 2016 Attacks on aid workers reached record high in 2019, research finds Syrian child injured in bus bombing smiles at camera

Clinton would go after 'murderous' Assad if elected

Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Hague court convicts Hezbollah member over Hariri killing Syrian families in Turkey marrying off ‘underage daughters for money’

All the latest breaking news on Syria. Russian airstrikes destroy Isis targets, but claims of civilian deaths Follow the latest Syria news, videos, and analysis from ABC News. Saudi Arabia and Turkey send troops into Syria please read our By clicking "OK" or continuing to use this site, you agree that we may collect and use your personal data and set Home; Syria and the World. Israel will never give up Golan Heights, Benjamin Netanyahu vows

Israeli military drone crashes in Lebanon Liveuamap News.

Syrian regime torturer put on trial for war crimes in world first cookies to improve your experience and customise advertising. The Arabs’ rapprochement with their arch rival- Israel Daily Times 23:40 18-Aug-20. Watch more. Inside the Syrian camp for women and children What it's really like to be in the middle of the battle for Aleppo History of Syria conflict. Get today's live news on Turkey-Syria border: current events, photos, infographics and Al Jazeera's exclusive stories from eyewitnesses. Other Isis prisoners may try to return to UK after Shamima Begum case

World News. Female Isis members ‘underestimated’ due to gender stereotypes – UN convoys continue to patrol the area and said they're determined to maintain progress made against ISIS.Syria's state-run news agency says a civilian was killed and another wounded.The troops were on patrol near Qamishli, by the Turkish-Syrian border, when they encountered a checkpoint occupied by pro-Syrian regime forces on Wednesday.Syrian opposition activists say rebels have shot down a government helicopter gunship in the northwestern part of the country, where Syrian troops are waging an offensive in the last rebel strongholdSyrian state media and opposition activists say government forces have captured new areas from insurgents in their efforts to control a key highway in the northwestAs Syrian President Bashar al Assad pushes further into the last rebel stronghold, hundreds of thousands are fleeing amid the bleak humanitarian crisis.Syrian pro-government media and opposition activists say government forces have entered a key rebel-held town in the country's northwest after surrounding it from three sidesA 22-year-old U.S. Army soldier serving in Syria has died from injuries he sustained in a rollover accident. Earlier today. Why? California Last night, fire spread to superstructure aboard amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard in San Diego, massive warship is larger than some WWII-era aircraft carriers. Shamima Begum should be allowed to return to UK, Court of Appeal rules US hits Syria with toughest sanctions yet as economic collapse looms Terror charges dropped against British ex-soldier who fought Isis Tell friends. Syrian women still gravely suffering nine years on Syrian Arab News Agency S A N A. All rights reserved. Two MQ-9 Reaper military drones collided over Syria DroneDJ 13:57. Police say arrest is ‘Syria-related’ after detaining man who arrived on inbound flight A hospital nurse describes the disastrous impact of the US ‘Caesar Act’ sanctions and the spread of Covid-19 that Syrian authorities have played down, writes Patrick Cockburn A recent explosion that killed a Russian major general may be far more important than we realise, writes Robert Fisk

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Like other reporters, Richard Hall finds it difficult to write about the atrocities of the Syrian war. US and Russia could force allies to keep this Syria peace deal