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/ Why gon’ do like that?

"Do It Like That" is a song by Australian recording artist Ricki-Lee Coulter. She wrote the song with Brian Kierulf and Josh Schwartz of KNS Productions, who previously worked on her 2007 single " Can't Touch It ".

'...' : ''}} Do Like That Lyrics: I feel it in ma soul / Let them know now / Ah, ohh, no, no / Eh, eh, ehh / Why you gon’ do like that? Lyrics to 'Do Like That' by Korede Bello. You can do it like that, that, that, that, that, that You can do it like And then she gave me her number And we start talking About life, work, movies And then I asked her "Do you wanna fuck?" {{ngMeta['description'] | limitTo: 140}}{{ngMeta['description'].length > 140 ? / Why you gon’ keep that thing from me? IFeeling it in my soul yeh yeh yeh Oh no no eh eh Why you gon do like that Why you gon keep that thing from me You can do it like that, that, that, that, that, that You can do it like that, that, that, that, that, that You can do it like that, that, that, that, that, that