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Here is how that fury arranged the company. "Do we not experience when performing any one of the alleged crimes in which lust is dominant the very sensations I have cited to you? This habit topples the prejudice, destroys it; it does more: by frequently exercising the sensibility in the very way and in the very situation which, at the outset, made it suffer, this habit at length makes the new state it has assumed wholly bearable and even delicious to the soul. Stirred by such a quantity of wonders, earnestly solicited by the two women they belonged to, besought to follow their example and be rid of all modesty’s restraints, you may be very certain that I yielded. The enacted deed produces another; and who is there doubts that this multiplying of delights very speedily induces a soul to adopt the lineaments and character it has got to have, however painful at first may have been the difficulties wherewith, perforce, it was beset by the deed in question? She places us side by side on the bed; following her recommendation, we each advance a hand and set to polluting each other. Instead its author is notorious while his book is little-read.If this was a better novel it would be one of the most notorious books ever written. He was his parents' only surviving child. Glad I only had that professor for one course.Good stuff you guys. some brilliant quotes are buried amongst the madness. Juni 1740 in Paris geboren. However, one single hint of resistance, let me repeat, one reluctant gesture were fatal: it will cost you the loss of all you have won by complacency heretofore: yield: unless you acquaint yourself with everything, you’ll know nothing; and if you’re so timid as to pause in your conversation with her, Nature will escape you forever. Adultery! This is the Sadeian novel at its most perfected. The Marquis de Sade demonstrated powers of characterization and narrative in some his other works, but "Juliette" is a 1200-page slab of pornographic fantasy with philosophic pretensions. The extreme respect in which the Superior’s commands were held made for the completest punctuality in their execution. This is very heavy, dense literature! She was not slow to observe her caresses were having so powerful an influence upon my senses that I was in serious danger of being entirely overcome.

Thus may it be in the case of every other extravagance; like lubricity, they may all be readily transformed into custom, and like lewdness, each of them may provoke an agreeable vibration in the nerve fluids: this poignant itching, closely resembling passion, may become quite as delectable and consequently, like it, metamorphose into a primary need. She can be swayed by her emotion, and while evil, is not the most libertine of libertines. Like “My dear, the universe runs itself, and the eternal laws inherent in Nature suffice, without any first cause or prime mover, to produce all there is and all that we know; the perpetual movement of matter explains everything: why need we supply a motor to that which is ever in motion? In those delectable moments, the whole world is ours; not a single creature resists us, we devastate the world, we repopulate it with new objects which, in turn, we immolate.
That pisses me off a bit.Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade (1740-1814) was a French aristocrat, revolutionary politician, philosopher, and writer famous for his libertine sexuality and lifestyle.Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade (1740-1814) was a French aristocrat, revolutionary politician, philosopher, and writer famous for his libertine sexuality and lifestyle.“How delightful are the pleasures of the imagination! Adultery! I like the one theme that talking can go one forever or not, yet the truth is always, and secondly, the road of excess, mainly for the imagination, can lead to the palace of wisdom.Too much! Truly, the reader is little apt to imagine the least part of what we did.

I believe that this is one of the best critics to society that I've read.

If because it has been detected this deed brings us unhappiness in its wake, let us bend our keener faculties to ferreting out the reasons why it came to public intelligence; and without shedding a superfluous tear over something we are powerless to arrange otherwise, let us mobilize every effort so that the next time we shall not be wanting in tact, let us turn this mishap to our advantage, and from this reversal draw the experience necessary to improve our methods: henceforth, we will ensure our impunity by swathing our irregularities in thicker veils and more entire obscurity. )Juliette is to Justine what Ada is to Lolita: there are shades of the greater, less widely read novel in the lesser but more culturally known work.

Homosexuality & hate for the Catholic Church written in the most disgustingly beautiful way. Even though I am only almost through with Juliette, I feel as though I have managed to grasp the essence of the book already and can, therefore, give my thoughts on it. Why is it one never repents a crime of libertinage? I had the pleasure & I do mean PLEASURE of reading this as an adult that can cogitate the meaning de Sade wished to express. I squirted myself dry into her mouth; and never before had I been so expertly sucked. She had, I was told, poisoned the minds of nearly every But it was not long before I noticed our amiable Superior’s attentions were not concentrated exclusively on me, and I as quickly perceived that others were wont to cooperate with her in exercises where libertinage had a more preponderant share than piety.