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₽ 20055

₽ 12316 $ 130

₽ 2530 ₽ 11077 This weapons guide is designed to give new players a very comprehensive view on the weapon systems in Escape from Tarkov. ₽ 30140 The DSA-58 can use any metric-measurement FAL magazines.

$ 89

₽ 2740 $ 25 $ 25

₽ 6182

$ 234
₽ 4070

All data was acquired purely by observing and no third-party software was used to mine data in any wayWant to help me finance the webhosting, or buy me a coffee or beer?

/eftg/ - Escape From Tarkov - "/vg/ - Video Game Generals" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of PC and console video games. $ 414

₽ 2916 ₽ 6182

$ 57

29.05.2020 18:51 DS Arms Extreme Duty dust cover for SA58. ₽ 110

₽ 15120 $ 62
SA-58 OSW (Operations Specialist Weapon) manufactured by american company DSA (David Selveggio Arms) is a legal copy of the FAL, it's made with the same Steyr-Daimler-Puch production line equipment as the StG-58. ₽ 7064

₽ 93940 In Tarkov, this weapon offers unprecedented firepower thanks to its fully-automatic fire mode and the fact that it is chambered with 7.62x51mm NATO.

$ 19 Escape from Tarkov Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. The SA-58 is a copy of the of the legendary FN-FAL, a Belgian battle rifle, first issued in the early 1950s, which carries the fame of being one of the most produced modern rifles of the 20th century. $ 1131 $ 29

₽ 10890 DSA FAL SA58 Extreme Duty Scope Mount - Standard Length Model - Includes HardwareThe DS Arms Extreme Duty Scope Mount for the FAL rifle is the gold standard across the world for being able to mount any type of optic to any type of FAL rifle. DSA SA58 FAL OSW PISTOL - 11" Barrel Standard Configuration Includes: 7.62 X 51MM Caliber; 11" Medium Contour Barrel; Barrel Features a 1:10 Twist Rate; Barrel Threaded 5/8x24 Right; DS Arms … ₽ 5044

$ 68 This Operations Specialist Weapon is one of the most recognizable weapons because of its design. DSA FAL SA58 Extreme Duty Scope Mount - Standard Length Model - Includes Hardware. ₽ 56100 $ 121 ₽ 2640 ₽ 1650

$ 387 ₽ 4950

$ 60