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The winter months in Mallorca can be among some of the most beautiful combined with the island’s mild climate, it’s the ideal time to enjoy activities such as cycling, walking, playing golf or simply relaxing in a spa. Instead, winter makes a great time to explore the Selva is a small village set at the foot of the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range. Mallorca’s mild climate and virtually non-existent crowds in winter mean that it is one of the best places to find winter sun in Europe.Your money will go a lot further than you think in Mallorca in winter. Ruft uns an unter +49 (0) 331 64 73 06 09 oder schreibt uns! To launch the new spa, the hotel is offering a special four night package (for the price of 3 nights) to include a spa treatment of choice per person, breakfast and local tax. All rights reserved. Compare these figures to the rest of Europe (where there’s much less sunshine and much more rain) and you’re in for a treat!One of the major benefits of visiting Mallorca in December or other winter months is the virtually non-existent queues for some of the top attractions. You can take your time exploring Palma Cathedral, enjoy a peaceful visit to the Drach Caves and enjoy the Alcudia Old Town without the crowds.During the summer months, the beaches are full of tourists, but you could almost have them all to yourselves in winter. Winter auf Mallorca besitzt eine besondere Magie. Next time off season is clearly the way to go!It looks like Mallorca is even better in winter than in the summer! My site contains affiliate links, which means I may earn commission if you purchase something after clicking on one of these links. It does it really well.
Bis Ende November hat man bei einer Wassertemperatur von oftmals knapp unter 20 Grad noch die Möglichkeit, im Meer zu baden.

Mallorca really isn’t that far from the UK….I love Mallorca in winter and spring – the flowers, trees and all the nature is full of energy.

Mallorca offers a wealth of cultural attractions for visitors and residence with a number of excellent museums dotted around the island artist's studios open to th…

© 2018 Foment del Turisme de Mallorca. Auf Mallorca ist der Winter viel milder als in Deutschland.

If you’re considering visiting Mallorca in winter, great decision!

Thank you for supporting me and my blog Gern beraten euch unsere Hotel-Experten persönlich bei der Auswahl eures Hotels für einen Winter auf Mallorca. Find the perfect hotel within your budget with reviews from real travelers.

Kunden-Feedback. If that’s not reason enough to go, I don’t know what is!If you search for images of Mallorca online, you’re bound to be met with thousands of photos of blue skies and yellow sands.

Imagine coming across Palma Cathedral in the snow – wouldn’t that make a wonderful and unique photo? A warm winter…what’s not to love?I’m glad studying your article.

Ecocirer also offers a separate guesthouse located outside the hotel main building with its own kitchen, dining/salon area and private terrace. In winter there are a range of special offers and prices start from approximately 155 euros per room, per night to include breakfast. It looks so warm! That’s not necessary in winter, thanks to the cooler temperatures. Herewith some suggestions of Luxury Hotels open during winter season. Thanks for sharing!I’ve only ever visited Mallorca in the summer, but you’re inspiring me to go back in winter some day.Sold! Winter is also an important time of feasting and fun, so herewith with some suggestions of where to stay:… and for those who want comfort in an authentic setting:All the produce used in the hotel is local and organic. This should really help boost your confidence when driving in an unfamiliar country, or if you’re not used to driving along the windy mountain roads in Mallorca. Die milden Temperaturen auf Mallorca im Winter. And I’m in love with that photo of yours with the fairy lights in the trees!My friend recently visited Mallorca and absolutely loved it! Während bei uns Minusgrade herrschen, kann man auf Mallorca locker noch mit 15 bis 20 Grad rechnen. SAVE! It’s relatively unknown, meaning there’s not many ‘traditional’ tourist sights, but that’s what’s so loveable about it!

The months between November and February make a fantastic time to go to the Balearics. They can be very tight!Next time you’re planning a trip to Mallorca, reconsider the best time to go. See Tripadvisor's Majorca, Balearic Islands hotel deals and special prices on 30+ hotels all in one spot. This site uses cookies to improve your browse experience. Great post!I love the idea of some winter sun right now!
The streets are filled with beautiful lights, the churches host incredible nativity scenes, and cheery locals spill out onto the streets to celebrate their favourite season.

Si continúa utilizando este sitio asumiremos que está de acuerdo. Thank you for the tip.I love travelling off-season! It really is the most wonderful time of the year!If you’re considering hiring a car in Mallorca, the roads in winter will be relatively empty thanks to the lack of other tourists. 5. I love Majorca but have already only visited in summer time.

By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies.Mallorca in Winter: What To Do & The Best Places To Visit

Utilizamos cookies para asegurar que damos la mejor experiencia al usuario en nuestro sitio web. Never heard of Selva but it looks so beautiful! the festive markets stay open to help the locals prepare for the Three Kings Day or epiphany.