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From watching Ma Long play for years, I know he has more gears than Fan. ? Ma Long contre Fan Zhendong | FINAL | Championnats nationaux chinois 2017. This serve handcuffed Fan into using his weaker forehand opening or baited him to move across to use his backhand. Video Creator: TTLondon2012

Complete results: However, when Ma Long pinned Fan on his middle, Ma almost always got back a weak ball to finish. Fan is a Stiga sponsored athlete. Ma Te contre Sai Linwei | Médaille de bronze MT | Échauffement chinois 2020 pour les Jeux olympiques ► Fanpage:...Ma note de tennis de table. Once Fan was able to absorb a few forehands from Ma, Fan got the opportunity to attack and finish the point decisively. Le sous-titre anglais a du bouton des sous-titres.

Following the trend from my last post, let’s look at another match between Ma Long (“The Dragon”) and Fan Zhendong.In my last post, I mentioned how Fan Zhendong seemed to have all the answers against Ma Long. Review all the highlights from the Vladimir Samsonov vs Dimitrij Ovtcharov from the 2019 Europe Top 16 Cup Cliquez ci-dessous si vous consentez à l’utilisation de cette technologie et au traitement de vos données à caractère personnel en vue de ces objectifs. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.Match Analysis- Ma Long vs Fan Zhendong 2019 ITTF World Tour Grand FinalsMatch Analysis- Ding Ning Vs. Miu Hirano 2017 Asian Championship QuarterfinalsThis website uses cookies to improve your experience. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. WU Zeitung WorldUnion ? A special thank you to all the youtube channels for sources o

Please select below. In June 2017, when he played the China Open he boycotted this event and must pay a fine from $20,000 dollars. Review all the highlights from the Lin Gaoyuan vs Mattias Falck from the 2019 ITTF Qatar Open Schade, da war mehr drin! Check out the best table tennis points of 2015!

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In 2018 he won the German Open and is now the number 7 in the world ranking. I earn no Money with my Videos i do this for the Sport!

Subscribe here for more official Table Tennis highlights: Ma Long aggressively attacked the next ball into Fan Zhendong’s backhand, and thus got the advantage early in the rally. He usually has enough power to blow anyone out of the water, but not Ma Long.

Aufstand in China! Event info: 09.06.2020.

Ma Long, Fan Zhendong e Xu Xin estão na Final de Equipes do Torneio de Simulação Olímpica de Tênis de Mesa, China China produces the world’s best table tennis players.

Ma Long aggressively attacked the next ball into Fan Zhendong’s backhand, and thus got the advantage early in the rally.Fan Zhendong, from game 3 on, made subtle changes that unnerved Ma Long. http://ww Put pressure on Fan’s wide forehand as early on in the rally as possible, and then pressure the middle and then lastly the backhand. -...Vous êtes un pongiste, un entraineur, un responsable de communication, un dirigeant ou passionné de... - - - - -...? A short serve would limit the amount of power on this shot, as well as the amount of spin, making it easier to attack the middle.Next, I believe Ma Long has to take the chance and attack first.

3 jours depuis. Instead of aggressively attacking every ball, Fan opted to block Ma Long’s powerful shots. Two of the best table tennis players the world has ever seen.

All content is the copyright of the International Table Tennis Federation. LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE & COMMENT ! verbinde dich mit uns: Fan Zhendong, Xu Xin, and Ma Long beat Lin Gaoyuan, Liang Jingkun, and Wang Chuqin 3-0

... - - - - - - Cette vidéo a...Ma Te contre Sai Linwei | Médaille de bronze MT | Échauffement chinois 2020 pour les Jeux olympiques ► Fanpage:...Ma note de tennis de table. ttCountenance and GecaPhoenix facebook page: Subscribe here for more off The first game went to 26 points, with Ma finally prevailing 14-12.Ma took the second game 11-6, but Wang fought hard again in the third – which went 14-12 in his favour – to force a fourth game.However, Ma's experience showed in the end and the

How did they perform under pressure at the Marvellous 12 competition, the national World Championships qualifier? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. To set this ball up, Ma Long must serve shorter to Fan’s forehand.

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