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Later it was run as a normal bakery.Spreepark has become one of Berlin’s chief attractions, though the authorities aren’t exactly happy about it, with signs in several languages on the fence surrounding it warning curious visitors to keep out.When it opened as VEB Kulturpark Plänterwald for East Germany’s twentieth birthday on October 4 1969, it proved a hit, with around 1.7 million people visiting every year at its peak. Schon die Zufahrt zu diesem verlassenen Ort in Brandenburg erzeugt eine knisternde Spannung. Da die Straße eine Sackgasse ist, gibt hier keinen Verkehr. Those plans may or may not come to fruition – see the never-ending saga of Berlin’s new airport – but in the meantime it stands as a relic of fun in times past. Get us in your inbox The animals were well-fed until the Berlin Wall’s demise spelled the end.Lenin still stands outside the officers’ villa in Fürstenberg, where some 25,000 Red Army soldiers were based, including the Soviet 2nd Guards Tank Army. As part of its transformation to Berlin Brandenburg Airport, Schoenefeld is extended by 970 ha. Infobox. We already have this email. Try another? Bis 1994 wurde der Flugplatz von der GSSD genutzt. Abandoned Berlin reveals the hidden stories behind the city's ruins, relics and derelict places. Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! The 24 houses that once housed SS guards on the shores of the Röblinsee were later used by Russian officers – only the best would do.
It had been mooted as a possible site for the new Berlin airport that’s now way over-budget and so late that few Berliners believe it will ever open at all. Wenn Sie fortfahren, diese Seite zu verwenden, nehmen wir an, dass Sie damit einverstanden sind. The initially proposed locations are Jüterbog, Schoenefeld and Sperenberg.

Try another? Hier befand seit dem Ende des 19.Jahrhunderts eine der zentralen deutschen Versuchsstätten für Waffen- und Militärtechnik.Der Flugplatz Sperenberg verfügte über eine 2.600 Meter lange Start- und Landebahn, sodass von hier große Transportmaschinen täglich nach Moskau flogen.

German reunification meant the end, however, as it did for many East German enterprises, and it was finally closed down in 1999.Lately, the former Chemiewerk has been used for filming music videos (Rammstein), and scenes for films including ‘Enemy at the Gates’ and ‘The Monuments Men’, while the ‘Homeland’ series was trolled by artists asked to produce Arabic graffiti when they wrote ‘“Homeland” is racist’ on walls supposed to be depicting a Syrian refugee camp.Concentration camp prisoners from the nearby Sachsenhausen camp were forced to bake bread for their fellow inmates, as well as prisoners in other camps. They turned it into their main military airport for both passengers and cargo. Gebhardt was later convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the ‘Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial’.

The factory started as a grain mill beside the river in 1720.

ACHTUNG! The Russians took over after the war, staying nearly 50 years.This animal food factory closed in 1992 despite big investment to bring it up to standard. Anders als bei einigen anderen weitergenutzten Flughäfen, war der Flughafen Sperenberg ein kompletter Neubau. If only they’d used Sperenberg…Sperenberg began as a Prussian military facility and was taken over by the Soviets after the WWII. Das heißt nicht, dass es sich um einen zivilen Flughafen handelte. On 22 April 1945, Soviet troops occupied the airfield as part of the Battle of Berlin.In 1946, the headquarters of the Soviet Air Forces moved to Schönefeld from Johannisthal Air Field.