They used Pre-selected segments of the population accepted into Vault-Tec's shelters would enjoy a very high quality of life, though it would be completely different from the free market capitalist consumerism experienced on the surface - a planned socialist utopia underground (giving China the last laugh). Hinter den Kulissen agierend und im Untergrund unerreichbar, gilt es als Hort hochentwickelter Technologie, aber auch als intrigant und skrupellos. A series of prototypes and their related... well, experiments, that could redefine society.But as you can see things did not go according to plan.Damaged sections of Vaults clearly show rebar used to reinforce concrete.The total size of the citizen population is 103 in 2241, when it's nearing capacity. A typical Vault is built deep underground in a geologically stable area (typical choices include mountain ranges and remote areas away from population centers), but Vaults have also been built below the foundations of modern cities.
Außerdem sollten die Supermutanten aufgrund ihrer körperlichen Überlegenheit gegenüber Menschen (so sind sie nicht nur bedeutend größer und stärker, sondern auch immun gegen Krankheiten und Strahlung) besser in der Lage sein, mit den Gefahren des postnuklearen Ödlandes umzugehen, was allerdings in den meisten Fällen mit einem erheblichen Intelligenzverlust einherging, sodass die meisten Supermutanten eher von geringerer Intelligenz sind. Das Institut ist in Fallout 4 eine der großen Parteien und je nach Entscheidung des Spielers entweder Alliierter oder Antagonist. Fallout's Vault-Tec is well-known for being morally bankrupt, and here are the 10 most disturbing experiments they ever conducted. Fortan kämpft sich der Spieler durch große Gegnerscharen, um so Erfahrungspunkte und Ausrüstung zu erlangen und zu verbessern.
After reinforcement, these caves were connected to a temporary railroad that rapidly delivered all the necessary prefabricates, construction equipment, and other necessities.In order to power the entire installation, vaults were provided with a variety of power sources, depending on local geology and the actual size of the vault (with the average being approximately 220 dwellers).The usual go-to solution was geothermal power, in areas where it was practical.
A medic is expected to be present on site 24 hours a day, to respond to any emergencies immediately.The command center is the nexus of vault activity, where all the computers necessary to maintain the vault's various functions. Gefürchtet ist es für seine Fähigkeit, von Menschen nicht zu unterscheidende Androiden, so genannte "Synths", herzustellen. Der Spieler hat hierbei die Wahl zwischen drei Rekruten der Stählernen Bruderschaft und macht sich mit diesem Alter Ego auf die Suche nach einigen vermissten Ordensbrüdern.
A separate room to the side would be used for monitoring purposes.The latest, fortified airlocks seen only in high-tech areas such as Living quarters were typically located deeper into the vault and their design varied by installation. The workplace of the overseer would typically be located in an area overlooking the atrium - the center of activity within the vault, where dwellers would spend their leisure time, socialize, and even engage in sports.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.A typical technical and maintenance tunnel in a VaultA storage room, the thick bulletproof windows are obscured with folding blindersRad scanners flanking the entrance deeper into the vaultThe Enclave, responsible for the experiment (officially known as the "Societal Preservation Program"), considered We (Jason, Tim and I) were the ones who came up with that idea when we were designing the story for FO2, and we liked how they added another layer to the dichotomy between the reality the government was selling the people through propaganda and reality itself. z.B. Der „Meister“, welcher zuvor den Namen Richard Grey trug, entdeckte das FEV, welches bereits vor dem Krieg von der US-Regierung erforscht wurde, einige Jahrzehnte nach Ende des Krieges und fasste den Plan, durch die Verwandlung aller Menschen in Supermutanten eine einzige Rasse zu erschaffen und sie durch die daraus resultierende absolute Gleichheit aller Individuen zu vereinigen, um auf diese Art jegliche Konflikte, welche nicht zuletzt im Großen Krieg gipfelten, für immer auszuschließen.
Beide Parteien sind der Dreh- und Angelpunkt des neuen Endgames. Am 22. Well, they supposedly had some special method to clean up those blokes in there... some kind of a machine or somethin'. Such was the case in 2155, when the Eighty years later, vaults would serve another nefarious purpose, as the Enclave, the architects of the original experimentation program, raided By 2287, almost no functional vault-series shelters remain.