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Time zone: 2016 Preview SONG TIME Bonbon.

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In June 2014, she won three Videofest awards for her music videos, including "Best New Artist" for her work in 2013.



Her following songs "A po don" and "E dehun", gained the same success.

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In 2015 Era gained success with her song "Njo si ti" with over a million views on Yo…

Skom nevoje per ty heeejo, Edhe vet un e theeejo, Sun m'rrxon jom kneeejo, Sun e bon sun e bon sun e bon sun e bon bon.

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Era Istrefi (born 4 July 1995), sometimes known as simply Era (stylized as ERA), is an Albanian Kosovar singer and songwriter.

She rose to fame after releasing her debut single "Mani për money" in 2013, which gained a positive feedback and attention from the public.