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They have destroyed without trial. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Once the grounds were cleared, the park was searched for arms, but, according to Major Mills, none were found. The men knocked at the doors, and more men with revolvers came into the house and ran up the stairs. It was the original intention that an officer would go to the centre of the field and speaking from a megaphone, invite the assassins to come forward. A convoy of troops drove in from the northwest, along Clonliffe Road, while a convoy of police (including Auxiliaries and Black and Tans) approached the park from the south or canal end.

Learning on Saturday that a number of these gunmen were present in Croke Park, the Crown forces went to raid the field.

There is no crime in detecting in wartime the spy and the informer. At the same time others attempted to enter Mr. Peel's room. "The maid opened the door, twenty men rushed in (the IRA say 11 men), and demanded to know the bedrooms of Mr. Mahon [sic] ... and Mr. Peel. Several of those targeted, however, were not in their lodgings when their would-be assassins arrived. Virtually any topic for the virtual learner.

But on their approach, armed pickets gave warning. 1972-01-31 Photo size: 6" x 9.6" inches .

The killing of the Cairo Gang on Bloody Sunday

At the same time, the government of Northern Ireland responded to the growing…

Bloody Sunday (Irish: Domhnach na Fola) was a day of violence in Dublin on 21 November 1920, during the Irish War of Independence.

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Bloody Sunday 30th January 1972 would change the fortunes of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association and the Provisional IRA and change Irish society and history forever.

This article was most recently revised and updated by This included eighteen purported British Intelligence agents known as the "In November 1920, Collins ordered the assassination of British agents around the city, judging that if they did not do this, the IRA's organisation in the capital would be in grave danger. Some contemporary newspapers, including the nationalist While these parallels were also noted by subsequent commentators,The Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) named one of the stands in Croke Park as the The fate of the Cairo Gang was seen in Dublin as an IRA intelligence victory, but James "Shanker" Ryan, who had informed on Clancy and McKee, was shot and killed by the IRA in February 1921.IRA assassinations continued in Dublin for the remainder of the war, in addition to more large scale The trial for the Lower Mount Street killings was held as a Field General Court-martial at The whole of Ireland was enthralled by the trial with most Irish newspapers and international newspapers reporting it.The prosecution opened with an account of the start of the incident:

The killings of the match-goers (including a woman, several children, and a player) made international headlines, damaging British credibility.

The actions of the police were officially unauthorised and were greeted with public horror by the Dublin Castle-based British authorities.

Only one IRA volunteer, In the meantime, two Auxiliaries who had been sent to bring reinforcements were captured and killed by the IRA. British troops responded by firing rubber bullets and a water cannon. Most of the assassinations occurred within a small middle-class area of south inner-city Dublin, with the exception of two shootings at the At 22 Lower Mount Street, one intelligence officer was killed, but another escaped: the building was then surrounded by members of the Auxiliary Division, who happened to be passing by, and the IRA team was forced to shoot its way out.

Meanwhile another servant, hearing the shots, shouted from an upper window to a party of officers of the Auxiliary Division who had left Beggars Bush Barracks to catch an early train southward for duty.The maid from the house, Nellie Stapleton, was one of the main witnesses for the prosecution. Bloody Sunday occurred in Dublin on 21 November 1920 and would mark a turning point for the War of Independence leaving 31 people dead in a single day.

I have proof enough to assure myself of the atrocities which this gang of spies and informers have committed. The military raiding party recovered one revolver: a local householder testified that a fleeing spectator had thrown it away in his garden. At 117 Morehampton Road, the IRA killed a sixth intelligence officer, but also shot the civilian landlord, presumably by mistake.One of the IRA volunteers who took part in these attacks, There has been confusion and disagreement about the status of the IRA's victims on the morning of Bloody Sunday. One man, surnamed "Peel" managed to keep the assassins from entering his room.

Get 30% your subscription today. Armed and uniformed men were seen entering the field, and immediately after the firing broke out scenes of the wildest confusion took place.

Front and back of the image: Front of photograph Back of photograph. Major General Boyd, the officer commanding Dublin District, added that in his opinion, "the firing on the crowd was carried out without orders, was indiscriminate, and unjustifiable, with the exception of any shooting which took place inside the enclosure." I have paid them back in their own coin.Meanwhile, outside the park, unseen by the crowd, British forces were approaching and preparing to raid the match. The other man went to Mr. McMahon's door.