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These versions featured a sticker with the couple's custom monogram by It doesn't get much better than freshly-made pizza for your wedding day.

Die beste Pizza im Wedding. Who needs matching getting-ready robes when you and your bridesmaids have tees like these?

Witty Saying Gebacken wird nach altem italienischen Rezept, oben drauf kommen nur beste Zutaten aus der Gegend rund um Neapel. By

Pizza puns for the win. Beste Pizza Restaurants in Berlin, Deutschland: Tripadvisor Bewertungen von Restaurants in Berlin finden und die Suche nach Küche, Preis, Lage und mehr filtern. Wondering what to box up and give your guests as a take-home

This couple used marquee letters to spell out "I love you with every pizza my heart.

Have a few pizzas delivered to your bridal suite so you can chow down while

These pizza bites ensured attendees were satisfied, but still had room for dinner.On the off chance that guests don't finish their pizza, give them triangular take-home boxes to so they can take their leftovers to go. Tiny Pies Trust us: Nobody will complain about starting their night off with a good slice.

All can be made in 45 minutes or less. Create a living work of art with a variety of flowers and plants, colors, and textures. You can do this as the main dish or just as an ongoing option throughout the night.

Oder aus der Pizzeria: Und von dieser Art Schnellrestaurant haben wir im Wedding mehr als genug.

Instead of formal finger food, offer different kinds of pizza squares as an appetizer option. Hors D'evoures On-Site Pizza Chefs Make like this couple, who offered five different pies via this calligraphed sign by Send guests home with the necessities to cook up their own pies.

Rolling Pin Place Cards 50 Hors D’oeuvre Ideas for the Best Cocktail Hour Ever