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Tones of work and time went in these and it shows! WKC manufactures ceremonial and japanese swords, gift items and uniform accessories for individual customers.

(Säbel) Roughly, 87cm long, slightly curved, steel construction blade. Gun magazine laws, concealed weapons laws, laws governing new made display guns, airsoft guns, blank fire guns, and other items vary greatly by nation, state and locality. Very elegant, imperial, Bavarian officer sabre with extremely curved blade.

Invaluable is the world's largest marketplace for art, antiques, and collectibles.

During the period of its expansion by Adolf Hitler, the German Army continued to develop concepts pioneered during World War I, combining ground (Heer) and air (Luftwaffe) assets into combined arms teams. Original Item: This is a beautiful classic Lionhead German WWII Officer sword, made by the well-known firm of This lionhead sword hilt features an outstanding feline head with faceted eyes. It depicts the scales with the firm's initials,Overall an excellent example of a German Army Officer's Lion Head sword, from a maker with a somber back story.The German Army (German: Heer, was the land forces component of the Wehrmacht, the German armed forces, from 1935 to 1945. The sabre is stamped Alcoso. The sabre is stamped Alcoso. Also present is the red felt washer, showing only very slight fading around the edges. The sabre is stamped Alcoso.

The brass alloy hilt still has a good degree of the original gilded finish, making it very attractive, one of the best Alcoso-made swords we have seen.The scabbard of this example still has good original factory black lacquer, though there is crazing and checking due to age.

We assume no liability associated with misuse of our products. This one has a gorgeous triple etched, single fuller, 31 ¾ inch long plated blade. SS Säbel der Verfügungstruppe Alcoso um 1935 : Löwenkopfsäbel der frühen SS VT: Auction number: 0007308339 : End of auction: 03/30/20 at 4:20 PM a o clock Number of bids: 26 Bids : Article Place: 10785 Berlin (Deutschland) Garantie: The seller guarantees unlimited for the genuineness of this item and grant a sale or return within 31 days from the day of shipping. 50.000 objets uniques sélectionnés et mis en vente chaque semaine par 216 experts Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 921(a)(16) defines antique firearms as all guns manufactured prior to 1899. Unfortunately, as Nazi-control increased, brothers Carl Gustav and …

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During the autumn of 1937, two more corps were formed. En cliquant sur un élément de notre site Web, vous acceptez que nous utilisions des cookies.

308 (Kreigsmarine Säbel). Allemagne - Alcoso Alex Coppel Solingen - Kavallerie Säbel - Säbel - Sabre Description Allemagne - Alcoso Alex Coppel Solingen - Kavallerie Säbel - Säbel - Sabre Bon état - 1880 Beautiful Prussian cavalry sabre with fine smooth hilt and brown wooden handle.

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