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Ygritte. Jon barely manages to get a hold in the Wall and saves himself and Ygritte when their rope is severed.
In A Game of Thrones, he sees Queen Cersei and her brother Jaime Lannister committing incest, and Jaime pushes Bran from the window to keep the relationship secret. She understands that he is an honorable man, but warns him that he has obligations to her as well. She kills a villager named Ygritte spares Gilly and Sam's lives during the sack of Mole's Town.Just outside Castle Black, Ygritte gets into a heated argument with Styr over her feelings for Jon, motivating her to resolve to kill him herself and reestablish her tarnished reputation among her own people. Rose Leslie wurde im schottischen Aberdeen geboren und besuchte die Millfield School im englischen Somerset. Find your king in the North with the Ygritte Game of Thrones Wildling Faux Fur and Fringe Mini Dress with Waist Cincher and Hoodie. When Tormund escorts Jon to Mance's tent, Jon tells him about Ygritte's death. With night approaching, Jon refuses to make a fire, forcing them to sleep out in the cold. Jon ist sich sicher, dass sie nicht schießen wird und will auf sein Pferd steigen. At first, Jon rejects Ygritte's advances, not only due to his vows, but also because he does not wish to hurt Ygritte's feelings, being aware that sooner or later - he'd have to leave her and return to the Night's Watch (likewise, Sam felt bad about having sex with Gilly for the same reasons). Als Jon eine Pause macht, um aus einem Teich zu trinken, taucht Ygritte mit gespanntem Bogen hinter ihm auf. Jump to navigation Jump to search This article has multiple issues. He insists that Jon and he fight and allows Jon to kill him. Während sie sich auf die Suche nach den verbliebenen Mitgliedern der Nachtwache machen, spricht Ygritte dieses Thema mehrmals an, um Jon in Verlegenheit zu bringen. Find Game Of Thrones Ygritte gifts and merchandise printed on quality products that are produced one at a time in socially responsible ways. Während sie durch die Wälder streifen, zeigt sich Orell eifersüchtig auf Jon und versucht Ygritte davon zu überzeugen, dass er besser für sie geeignet wäre. Die von Rose Leslie verkörperte Ygritte ist ein Mitglied des freien Volkes , von den Westerosi auch Wildlinge genannt, und debütiert in der Episode " Alte und neue Götter ". He also restrains Ygritte to stop her from "getting [herself] killed" for her lover's sake. This clue was last seen on New York Times Crossword on April 16 2020 In case the clue doesn’t fit or there’s something wrong please contact us! If the man turns out to be an abusive husband, the wife can always slit his throat. Junto al resto de la banda salvaje, Ygritte muere, herida mortalmente por una flecha.

In diesem Moment lässt Ygritte einen Pfeil los und trifft Jon an der Schulter, woraufhin er zu Boden geht. He chooses Ygritte and the North. Ygritte and the rest of the band are stunned, but accept Jon as one of their own and free his hands.Ygritte leads Jon Snow into Mance Rayder's camp in the Ygritte later travels with Jon and Mance as they march slowly south towards the wall. After winning a Scottish BAFTA for Best Acting Performance for her role in New Town, she rose to fame as Gwen Dawson in the ITV drama series Downton Abbey and as Ygritte in the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones. When the rangers want to execute her, Jon objects and wants to spare Ygritte, saying that she surrendered. Jon disapproves of the custom, since, in his eyes, it is similar to a rape, and insists this was not his intent and his capture of her/saving her life was not for sex. Ygritte (im Original: Ygritte) ist ein Nebencharakter der zweiten und ein Hauptcharakter der dritten und vierten Staffel von Game of Thrones. Whatever anyone else thinks is right for Jon, he knows the right path for himself in the end.
Jon und Ygritte entfernen sich, aber sie stiehlt ihm sein Schwert, sodass Jon ihr bis zu einer heißen Quelle in einer Höhle folgt. Jon leads Ygritte along as he tries to find Qhorin Halfhand. This sexy dress is sure to turn heads. Als er sie verfolgt, findet er sich plötzlich von Wildlingen umzingelt wieder.