Only a small group of about 20 was left having “handed over their souls to the coup-mongering far right”.Maduro says the action was an attempt to spark an armed confrontation between Venezuelans that cd be used to justify a foreign intervention “so the empire could get its claws into Venezuela”He says the perpetrators of the coup were being interrogated. Linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, and activist.Documentary Filmmaker (“War on Democracy”) and author of Freedom Next Time (Bantam, 2006)Economist, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)Coordinator of the Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee of the ANSWER CoalitionHistorian, writer and filmmaker, editor at New Left ReviewAuthor, filmmaker and editor of of Monthly Review (New York), Professor of sociology of University of OregonAuthor and professor at the Universidad de Oriente and the Misión Sucre.
Who is Venezuela's Juan Guaido? "A must-read for anyone who wants to follow what is happening in Venezuela, especially in English. Claims his government responded with “nerves of steel, maximum serenity and effective action”The mutineers were heavily armed but had been overcome by the armed forces consisting of the army and the “Bolivarian national guard”.Maduro speaking now, surrounded by political and military top brass. Venezuelan opposition leader and President of the National Assembly Juan Guaido has called on his supporters to continue anti-government … Another Failed Coup in Venezuela? 2019 - Coup; Juan Guaido; Resources. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. Top Democrats march lockstep behind Trump’s coup in Venezuela, rehabilitating war criminal Elliott Abrams. In first appearance since rebellion lead by Juan Guaidó, president calls for applause for ‘obedient’ armed forces. In this video report, produced by the Venezuelan community media collective Tatuy Tv, you will see the events of those tumultuous days in five phases. Reuters says that there is “an uneasy peace” in the capital. Along with Padrino, supreme court chief judge Maikel Moreno and presidential guard commander Ivan Rafael Hernandez Dala as havning been involved in those conversations.The ultra-hawkish Bolton warned Maduro his “time is up”.Tom is still tweeting highlights from Maduro’s address.Maduro also claimed that by noon on Tuesday 80% of troops involved in the mutiny attempt had abandoned Guaidó. George Ciccariello-Maher dissects the failing US-backed coup in Venezuela.
“If Maduro hangs on, you’ll see the market stay lower.”Other theories have it that oil prices will spike if the crisis is prolonged, as per this piece we carried last year.Despite the violence earlier in the day, reports say things are calmer on the streets of Caracas.
“This cannot go unpunished ... all of those involved must surrender.”Maduro says his government will continue to be victorious and that his regime will continue to keep a “razor steel” nerve to protect the country.In a rambling address, the president says that the rebellion was detected at about 4.15am and was led by Leopoldo Lopez “the fascist”. From the self-proclaimed president and “humanitarian aid” to the massive nationwide blackout, this Chronicle of a Failed Intervention lays out what is really happening in Venezuela and what we can expect in the months to come.If you are new to Venezuela or want to know background info, please is 100% reader funded and independent.
"For years has been the gold standard in reporting on Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution. Follow updatesTom Phillips has filed a new story on the latest goings-on which he leads with Maduro’s claim that a coup attempt by You can also catch up with via the summary of the drama that I posted about an hour ago Away from the immediate politics, it’s worth looking at what is happening with the price of oil – Venezuela’s main export and in many ways the source of much of the trouble engulfing the country.But traders believe that if Maduro stays in power, prices will continue to stay lower.