Découvrez toutes nos offres d'emploi dans le monde et rejoignez-nous dans la révolution de la ressource ! With this new offer, employee shareholders now hold about 3.8% of the capital and are the Group’s 3rd largest shareholder. These hours of training were supplemented by numerous learning situations in the everyday working environment: seminars, professional role playing, coaching, mentoring, tutoring, apprenticeships and professional conferences. Il est le deuxième groupe mondial derrière Veolia1. In 2019, it represents 17.7% of the total number of training hours provided during 2019 (16,5% in 2018). The development of the use of e-learning is tantamount to our training strategy. Nearly 22,000 employees from the 20 participating countries have subscribed, i.e. The figures from 2019 demonstrate this ambition, with 69.4% of employees worldwide who took part in training.A total of 1.62 million hours of training (including e-learning) were delivered, or an average of 26.4 hours per person trained. The button below allows you to deactivate or reactivate this cookie at any time. E-learning makes experiments with new training content easier, along the lines of I learn, a digital platform containing more than one thousand training resources (videos, interactive modules and practical guides in several languages). Employees play an essential role in transformation, which is the reason why their skills are one of the keys to our development This is why training is a priority for us.We involve all employees in the future success and performance of the company by implementing a dynamic and fair pay policy that is in keeping with its values and societal commitments.As part of our diversity policy, we pay close attention to equal pay between men and women.Scan this QRCode with your mobile app WeChat to share it with your friends and in your momentWhen you browse our site, data may be saved or read from your browser or device.
We are committed to providing equitable access to training for everyone, irrespective of their position in the company. En 2019, l'entreprise publiait un chiffre d’affaires de 18,015 milliards d'euros et employait 89 352 salariés. SUEZ involves every single employee in the future success and performance of our company. With I learn e-learning platform, SUEZ’s employees can hone new skills in management, communications, leadership and holding meetings. We offer our employees the possibility to become more closely involved with the development and performanceChoose your country to display the website related to your locationUsing digital tools at the service of the environmentOptimizing the management of water and wastewater treatment networksContributing to the emergence of the sustainable agriculture of the future According to the Masons Water Yearbook 2004/5, Suez served 117.4 million people arou…
Les principales données chiffrées concernant le groupe à la fin 2018Le groupe bénéficie d'un réseau étendu de filiales et d'agences et exerce ses activités sur les 5 continents, avec des acteurs publics ou privés.
SUEZ, expert des métiers de l’eau et des déchets, propose partout en France des solutions innovantes pour préserver et sécuriser les ressources SUEZ launches the Environmental Collage: 90,000 employees to participate The aim is to share the causes and effects of climate and environmental disruption with the group’s employees and encourage them to speed up their contribution to shaping a sustainable environment now. Digital technology for resource and asset protectionEcoflow off-site industrial effluent treatment service In the early 2000s Suez also owned some media and telecommunications assets, but has since divestedthese. Attractive compensation Dans le domaine des déchets, Suez a pour principales activités : Il est formé de 18 membres nommés pour quatre ans dont la moitié représente l’actionnaire principal, Le Comité exécutif examine les principales décisions et orientations du groupe et fixe les objectifs en matière d’activité et de performance. Read also Suez was the result of a 1997 merger between the Compagnie de Suez and Lyonnaise des Eaux, a leading French water company.
Il est composé, au Suez est inscrit depuis 2009 au registre de transparence des Cet article concerne l'entreprise issue de la scission de 2008 dans le cadre de la fusion avec Gaz de France. Suez S.A. was a leading French multinational corporation headquartered in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, with operations primarily in water, electricity and natural gas supply, and waste management. En 2002, Ondéo-Suez lyonnaise des eaux contrôle 28 % du marché de l'eau, Vivendi environnement (ex-En 2008, Suez Environnement est introduit en bourse, dans le cadre de la fusion de L'introduction en bourse s'est passée de la manière suivanteAncien logo de Suez Environnement commun à l'ensemble des entités du groupe du Dans le domaine de l’eau, Suez a pour principales activités :