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Video, 00:00:50Trump: Low expectations for Putin summit. Video, 00:03:09What lies behind the Belarus protests? "I don't want to insult President Trump when I say this - and I may come [across] as rude - but before he announced that he will run for presidency, he was of no interest for us.

Both of these ideas are dangerous to our health and democracy. Share the best GIFs now >>> Close. Vladimir Putin dismissed allegations of interference in the US election. Video, 00:03:32'We will overcome this season of darkness' Video, 00:01:15'Relief' after a 44-year wait for justice.

Video, 00:02:59Can you make jokes about a pandemic? "We don't have anything on them," Mr Putin said. Putin laughs off Mueller indictment in Fox News interview. When he tried to hand the document to the President, he simply refused to take it. 17 May 2017. Video, 00:02:08Trump: 'There was nobody to collude with' Video, 00:00:38The moment Trump meets counterpart Putin. And I don't want the domestic media to do it either, through some of their phony polls and through them insisting that Donald Trump can't win. Video has emerged of Russian president Vladimir Putin and Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad having a laugh at President Trump’s expense during Putin’s visit to … Raw Story readers power David Cay Johnston’s DCReport, which we've expanded to keep watch in Washington. The awkward moment only ended when Mr Wallace was forced to place the document on a side table.The conversation then became very heated, with Mr Putin dismissing the allegations of Russian interference as "utterly ridiculous".When Mr Wallace tried to press him to answer specific questions about the indictments, Mr Putin told him to stop interrupting.He also rejected the idea that the Russian government possesses 'kompromat' (compromising material) involving Mr Trump or his family. PM Narendra Modi's Best Reply to Megyn Kelly on Donald Trump Allegations on INDIA . "Any foreign government, any foreign actor. Video, 00:00:12Up Next, The ways Trump and Putin see eye to eye. Putin laughs at political chaos in the US. Video, 00:03:09What lies behind the Belarus protests? Video, 00:00:53Mum's search for detained teenage poll observer. Invest with us in the future. Every reader contribution, whatever the amount, makes a tremendous difference. "I don't want anyone to interfere in our election," the president's adviser said when asked about Russian election interference. The COVID crisis has cut advertising rates in half, and we need your help. Video, 00:03:32'We will overcome this season of darkness' Video, 00:01:15'Relief' after a 44-year wait for justice. Newshub reporter. Video, 00:04:26Beirut glass artist's years of work shattered. Let voters make up their own mind. When MODI cracked a JOKE on US journalist MEGYN KELLY ARE YOU ON TWITTER . Video, 00:02:34ICYMI: Leopard cubs in unlikely places and baby pandas. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Access and Privacy Policy Video, 00:00:35'I am close to forgiving the Christchurch gunman' Video, 00:03:10California wildfires seen from a plane. Published. This video is no longer available because of rights reasons. Video, 00:02:59Can you make jokes about a pandemic? Video, 00:02:34ICYMI: Leopard cubs in unlikely places and baby pandas. Let's let democracy flourish. Like you, we here at Raw Story believe in the power of progressive journalism. The perfect VladimirPutin Laugh Interview Animated GIF for your conversation. While Washington reels over Trump's alleged Russian ties, President Putin is cracking jokes.

Putin Can`t Stop Laughing & Best reply by MODI to USA journalist Narendra Modi in RUSSIA 2017 . The COVID crisis has cut advertising rates in half, and we need your help. We’ve exposed billionaire Raw Story is independent.