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Jana won 24 WTA singles titles and 76 doubles titles over a 12 year career. It was a long time coming for Jana!Steffi and Jana reunite at '95 Wimbledon - Steffi Graf of Germany (left) and Jana Novotná of Czechoslovakia shake hands prior to their ladies semifinal match at 1995 Wimbledon. 1998 gewann Novotna in Wimbledon das Endspiel gegen Nathalie Tauziat aus Frankreich, es blieb ihr einziger Grand-Slam-Titel im Einzel. She was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 2005.Her death sparked a strong reaction in the Czech Republic among former coaches, competitors and sporting officials.“When she lost to Steffi Graf at Wimbledon in 1993, I was crying,” said Jan Kodes, a fellow Czech tennis player who won three Grand Slams — including one Wimbledon title — in the 1970s.

But it was her singles career that came to define her.She had sought for years to dominate the lawn at Wimbledon.

Just an overall sexy shot of Jana.Jana Novotná in Action: Jana Upskirt Photo - Oops Jana, your panties are showing!Jana is looking sleek & sexy for a gala event in 1999.Jana gets her hands on the big prize at 1998 Wimbledon. Sie starb im Alter von 49 Jahren nach einer Krebserkrankung im Beisein ihrer Familie – die Tenniswelt reagiert betroffen. Jana retired in 1999, and 6 years later she was elected to the Tennis Hall of Fame. Ze leed al langere tijd aan kanker en stierf afgelopen zaterdag. GETTY. 1998 hätte sie mit dem Gewinn der Nach ihrem Rücktritt arbeitete sie als Tennistrainerin und trainierte unter anderem During the prize presentation ceremony, a distraught Jana burst into tears and cried on the Duchess of Kent's shoulder.A touching scene: the Duchess of Kent comforts Jana Novotna after she lost the 1993 Wimbledon final to Steffi Graf. Jana Novotná (2. října 1968 Brno – 19. listopadu 2017, Česko) byla česká profesionální tenistka a světová jednička ve čtyřhře, která hrála na okruhu WTA Tour v letech 1987 až 1999.
Just a great shot of Jana's legs and panties, she really looks good here!Czech tennis star Jana Novotná is pulled wide as she returns at the French Open, around 1993. Den Ruf der tra­gi­schen Ver­lie­re­rin er­warb sie sich im Wim­ble­don-Fi­na­le von 1993.

“Jana certainly was a player who became a role model for many young girls.”Ivo Kaderka, president of the Czech Tennis Association, described Novotna as a domestic tennis legend whose impact extended beyond the sport.“Despite winning Wimbledon, she remained a pleasant, normal intelligent girl, who always came to support us and cheer,” Kaderka said.

Hinzu kamen zwölf Grand-Slam-Titel im Doppel und vier im Mixed. Unser Mitgefühl und unsere Gedanken gehören Janas Familie.

Sadly, on November 19, 2017, Jana passed away after her long battle with cancer; she was just 49 years old and is greatly missed.Jana Novotna 1997- Ah finally sweet Wimbledon victory!Czech tennis star Jana Novotná during the mid 1990's. Kodes, don’t cry, I will win it here one day anyhow.’ ”“And she did five years later,” Kodes said, as quoted by the Czech news website Idnes. Jana Novotna († 49) starb so, wie sie gelebt hat. Ihre größten Erfolge erzielte Novotná auf schnellen Böden, unter anderem auf den Rasenplätzen in Zunächst war sie nur als Doppelspielerin erfolgreich, doch mit Hilfe von 1991 trat sie zum ersten Mal als solche in Erscheinung, als sie bei den Besondere Aufmerksamkeit erlangte die als wenig nervenstark geltende Novotná, als sie 1993 im Endspiel von Wimbledon gegen Steffi Graf einen 6:7-, 6:1- und 4:1-Vorsprung bei eigenem Aufschlag nicht in einen Titelgewinn ummünzen konnte.
Jana held a 4-1 lead in the third and deciding set, but Steffi rallied to win the next 5 games and overcame Jana by a final of 6-7, 6-1, 6-4. Jana Novotna in tears after losing the 1993 Wimbledon singles final.

But Jana finally captured her Wimbledon Championship in 1998, exorcising some demons in the process.Jana Novotná Sexy Upskirt - A nice photo of Jana at Wimbledon, around 1996. She returned to the tournament finale in 1997, but lost to Martina Hingis of Switzerland.The following year, Novotna beat Venus Williams in the quarterfinal and exacted some measure of revenge by defeating Hingis in the semifinals. By beating Tauziat, she became the oldest first-time female Grand Slam champion in the Open era. Nur ihre allernächsten Angehörigen wussten um ihren Kampf mit einem bösartigen, aggressiven Krebs…