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Such revisions are typically quite small and are considered unlikely to alter the qualitative conclusions presented in this report.This report was prepared by Berkeley Earth. Notebook-Displays: 3:2 sticht 16:9! Webcast: So wird Ihr RZ zukunftssicher! Auch die Gletscher weltweit schrumpfen seit 32 Jahren.Hitzewellen gab es 2019 in Australien, Indien, Japan und Europa, die auch die Sterblichkeit ansteigen ließen und Erreger wie das Dengue-Virus weiter verbreiteten. Please note that anomalies and ranks reflect the historical record according to these updated v… "Auch 2019 ist der Ausstoß an Treibhausgas-Emissionen weiter angestiegen. We reprocess and interpolate the HadSST data to provide a more complete picture of the oceans. (2018). Januar Februar März April: Mai Juni Juli August: Winter 2019/2020 Frühling 2020 : Temperaturmittel in Deutschland 1. Sie nahmen 90 Prozent der überschüssigen Energie des Klimasystems auf und erwärmten sich 2019 bis in eine Tiefe von 2 km, tiefer als die Rekordwerte des vorhergehenden Jahres. Record high annual temperatures over land surfaces were measured across parts of central Europe, Asia, Australia, southern Africa, Madagascar, New Zealand, North America, and eastern South America. Die globale Temperatur über dem Land lag 2015-2019 um ca. In the analysis that Berkeley Earth conducts, the uncertainty on the mean temperature is approximately 0.05 °C (0.08 °F) for recent years. We take note of the fact that other groups have announced that 2019 set a As in other recent years, 2019 also demonstrated very strong warming over the Arctic that significantly exceeds the Earth’s mean rate of warming. Berkeley Earth, a California-based non-profit research organization, has been preparing independent analyses of global mean temperature changes since 2013. NOAA Climate.gov, based on data from NCEI. Looking back to 1988, a pattern emerges: except for 2011, as each new year is added to the historical record, it becomes one of the top 10 warmest on record at that time, but it is ultimately replaced as the “top ten” window shifts forward in time.By 2020, models project that global surface temperature will be more than 0.5°C (0.9°F) warmer than the 1986-2005 average, regardless of which carbon dioxide emissions pathway the world follows. After combining the ocean data with our land data, we arrive at a global picture of climate change since 1850.Uncertainties arise primarily from the incomplete spatial coverage of historical weather observations, from noise in measurement devices, and from biases introduced due to systematic changes in measurement technologies and methods. 2019. Dargestellt sind die Abweichungen vom Referenzzeitraum 1901 bis 2000.Neben der Differenzierung nach Land und Meer werden auch die Unterschiede zwischen Nord- und Südhemisphäre dargestellt. It is common for additional observations to be added to archives after some delay, an issue that is more likely this year due to the US government shutdown. At the current rate of progression, the increase in Earth’s long-term average temperature will reach 1.5 °C (2.7 °F) above the 1850-1900 average by around 2035 and 2 °C (3.6 °F) will be reached around 2065. Older time periods are studied by paleoclimatology. For regional details and more 2019 climate statistics, see the Though warming has not been uniform across the planet, the upward trend in the globally averaged temperature shows that more areas are warming than cooling. D.h. die globalen Landtemperaturen erhöhten sich in diesem Zeitraum ungefähr doppelt so schnell wie die Meeresoberflächentemperaturen. Of these 20,000 stations and 210,000 monthly averages are available for 2019.The weather station data is combined with sea surface temperature data from the UK Met Office’s Hadley Centre (HadSST). Schwelle überschritten: 2019 globaler Temperaturanstieg von 1,1 Grad 12. For the ocean surface, we find that 2019 nominally ranks as the 3rd warmest year. This reflects the long-term trend towards global warming. Though 2019 is slightly cooler than 2016, its temperature remains consistent with the long-term warming trend.In addition to long-term warming, individual years are also affected by interannual variations in weather. WMO hat den Klimabericht für 2019 vorgelegt und weist auf die merkbaren Folgen der ungebrochenen Klimaerwärmung hinDie Weltklimaorganisation WMO hat in ihrem auf den neuesten Daten von vielen Forschungseinrichtungen basierenden Erstmals ist die globale Durchschnittstemperatur seit dem Industriezeitalter um mehr als ein Grad angestiegen, um 1,1 Grad Celsius plus oder minus 0,1. Our current estimate is that 2020 is likely to be similar to 2019 but with a potential to be somewhat warmer or cooler. 2019 Okt +0.95. Temperature [in NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, State of the Climate: Global Climate Report for Annual 2019, published online January 2020, retrieved on January 16, 2020 from Do you have feedback to offer on this or another article?