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Süper Lig'in 19. haftasında Beşiktaş'ı Gürsel Aksel Stadı'nda konuk eden Göztepe, yeni stadındaki ilk maçına çıktı. Not without a reason, as there is little space left after the old Gürsel Aksel Stadı, just over 30,000 mAnd yet the Istanbul-based DB Architects office (known for Even more, the stadium will offer the very first ever green and public viewing deck on the roof. What more could you want? Following legal changes from 2019 and early 2020 stadia can now function also without individual seats in some areas.Victory over famous Beşiktaş, sell-out crowd and talks of expansion already upon opening. From that point they may have to climb 26 rows, depending on their seats. Description: Gürsel Aksel Stadyumu In the west end of the Konak district, in Üçkuyular, there's a place considered the spiritual home by the vibrant Göztepe fanbase. That is placing the playing field not on ground level but above it, leaving the ground floor for commerce, parking and other uses. Ev sahibi Göztepe futbol takımının eski stadı ve eski tesisleri olan ana merkez yıkılarak aynı arazi üzerine inşa edildi. Opis: Gürsel Aksel Stadyumu.

Texture is important because their non-reflective nature protects nearby residents from sunlight reflecting, primarily from the partly glazed west side. To z powodu wyjątkowo ograniczonego miejsca po starym Gürsel Aksel Stadı. Independently of regular use people will be able to climb all of the stadium and walk around the entire cover to admire the view. Come with us, let's meet these projects! On remaining three sides a mesh spans between the blinds, ensuring ventilation of the stadium and its concourse.The most unique feature of the stadium is the fact that even the 16,600mSpeaking of budget, the stadium was delivered for TRY 219 million, which at the time of opening represented some $36.7 million. İzmir - Göztepe Gürsel Aksel Stadyumu (+) (+) Alıntı: İşte Göztepe Stadı Projesi !!! The stadium is the home ground of Izmir-based sports club Göztepe S.K.. That's exactly what they have in Izmir!This unique project from Turkish Izmir is just one more step away from construction.

Perhaps a 650-meter skywalk open to everyone on the roof? Facade of the offices is regular glazing, while the stadium itself is covered with rhythmic non-reflective blinds. Gürsel Aksel Sports and Healthy Life Center (Turkish: Gürsel Aksel Spor ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Merkezi), colloquially known as Gürsel Aksel Stadium is an football stadium, located in Üçkuyular, Göztepe neighbourhood of Konak district of Izmir, Turkey. With the best offer selected, we may be just over 700 days from seeing the first stadium with a green park on its roof.For a limited period of 2017 Izmir will be possibly the only city worldwide to have four professional stadiums under construction. ve Konak ilçesine bağlıdır. Description: Gürsel Aksel Stadyumu We could easily call this stadium Suiss because it includes a spatial layout tested in that country. Göztepe, Gürsel Aksel Stadyumu'na kavuştu! Information . Only in the west regular seating is limited, while two levels of hospitality areas top the stand (with 41 boxes instead of 24 planned initially).The stadium itself was built with a truly modest footprint of 23,700 mThe two connected volumes differ in outer cladding.

Właśnie to zaprojektowali i wdrożyli w Izmirze!Niezwykły projekt zaplanowany na zachodnim krańcu Turcji dziś oficjalnie ma wykonawcę. Between 1955 and 1972 the player represented Göztepe 390 times, receiving the honour of the 'great captain'.While most stadia in Turkey are being built far from city centres, in this case location is symbolic. Placed at exactly 28.3 meters the roof is below height limit and yet above surrounding buildings, so it gives quite a view of the dramatic landscape and the Aegean Sea.Victory over famous Beşiktaş, sell-out crowd and talks of expansion already upon opening. Opis: Gürsel Aksel Stadyumu. Temel atma işlemleri 9 Eylül 2017 tarihinde yapıldı. 25,2 What more could you want?

Czego jeszcze można chcieć? Gürsel Aksel Stadyumu ©Göztepe/Twitter. En dehors des données de base, vous pouvez trouver des informations sur l’adresse, l’accès, les spécificités, les prix du stade, et les droits de naming. Piękna wieść dla uświetnienia przypadających dziś 92. urodzin klubu, który ma na nim grać.Przez część 2017 roku w tym mieście będą aż cztery nowoczesne stadiony piłkarskie w budowie. Ce site vous propose des informations sur le stade dans lequel le club sélectionné joue. Le menu déroulant au-dessus des données de base vous permet de choisir des stades du passé (clubs) ou d’autres stades dans lequel le club joue (équipe nationale). The single-tiered bowl is very compact, which should facilitate creating atmosphere. Perhaps a 650-meter skywalk open to everyone on the roof? Na zachodzie Izmiru ma bowiem powstać dostępna dla każdego zielona przestrzeń, po której zwiedzający obejdą dookoła cały stadion, podziwiając widoki. En dehors des données de base, vous pouvez trouver des informations sur l’adresse, l’accès, les spécificités, les prix du stade, et les droits de naming. Göztepe Gürsel Aksel Stadı posta kodu 35290. Göztepe Gürsel Aksel Stadı 38.397636 enlem ve 27.075777 boylamda yer almaktadır. İzmir’in sembollerinden birine dönüşmesi hedeflenen Göztepe Gürsel Aksel Stadyumu, UEFA ve Futbol Federasyonu kriterlerine uygun şekilde tasarımı ve karma kullanımlı yapısıyla öne çıkıyor. Semt/Mahalle olarak Mehmet Ali Akman Mh. Ce site vous propose des informations sur le stade dans lequel le club sélectionné joue. That's exactly what they have in Izmir!

That is placing the playing field not on ground level but above it, leaving the ground floor for commerce, parking and other uses. 26 Ocak 2020 tarihinde Beşiktaş maçı ile açıldı. We could easily call this stadium Suiss because it includes a spatial layout tested in that country.