If you do have one, then both should be infused. This Trait Beginner Guide is meant to explain the basics of Traits in The Elder Scrolls Online. For instance, there is a set of Traits specific to armor, and a different set of Traits that apply to weapons. Traits are found in dropped and rewarded equipment, and can be chosen when Crafting an item. - JonJonFTW The reason I refer to these setups as “beginner setups” is because they’re very easy to acquire. Now I have an infused and a charged one. These weapons only drop from the final boss. trademarks or You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. The kinds of Traits you can get are different, depending on what kind of item it's on. The Elder Scrolls, ESO, Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks and related logos are registered So I managed to get a moondancer staff and my buddy gave me his since it was not sharpened like he was hoping. I'm using Nirn on Staff (over penetration) now, and noticed a good damage boost. For example, if you want to craft a chest with Infused trait on it, you must first find a chest item which already has the Infused trait, and then use the “Research” option at the appropriate crafting table. I also use increase armor enchantment effect now that i know more on combos and how to get the most out of them. Now i have a Restoration Staff with "Infused" trait and a enchantmet that Increase Weapon Damage and Spell Dammage. Infused is a Weapon, Weapon and Jewelry Trait in Elder Scrolls Online. Trait Type: Armor, Weapon and Jewelery Become an ESO Plus™ member to unlock VIP perks, including access to DLC game packs, craft bag, free monthly crowns, and more! "At least IW is trying to change CoD's gameplay unlike DICE." Traits exist on weapons, armor, and jewelry.
The Lost King ---> http://justsnilloc.proboards.com/Precise, sharpened or nirnhoned are the best staff traits. Best Beginner Gear Sets for End Game in ESO This guide for the Elder Scrolls Online covers the best beginner gear sets for end game (CP 160+). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Latest News.
The Lost King ---> http://justsnilloc.proboards.com/... or would it simply be better to have another enchantment/trait combo on the staff altogether?[J.S.] 4,303 Entries (28,020 Items) Tempering Alloy Starting From 45. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Nope, don't want it. All Rights Reserved. A Sharpened Non set Inferno staff will out damage both of them.Charged lightning to proc more concussion wouldn't necessarily be terrible. For magicka classes, 1 nirn and 1 infused should be the best choice if you don't have a maelstrom staff. Being an ESO Plus Subscriber further reduces research time by 10%, stacking multiplicatively with the above abilities. - JonJonFTW[J.S.] Infused or charged for my moondancer staff Question So I managed to get a moondancer staff and my buddy gave me his since it was not sharpened like he was hoping.
The base research time for a trait is 6 hours real time. The drops are RNG based, with a chance to get any weapon in any trait each time you beat vMA. trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the US and/or other countries. So as a DPS this is pretty garbage, since I'll lose resource points, and my Pet Sorc would suffer the most. Well my plan is to have my charged lightening staff on my back bar and I actually already had the sharpened flame moondancer. In pvp, its been utter trash. Maelstrom weapons are unique weapons that have a bonus which procs off a specific ability for each type of weapon (Bow, Melee, Staff). Content © by Alcast & Traits in The Elder Scrolls Online are effects on either Armor, Jewelry or Weapons that have a fixed value depending on the quality of an item. Spread the Prismatic LOVE!Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a For The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "(Fire) Destruction Staff + Infused + Fire Glyph = ??? Its working better then lighting crit staff and flame pen staff, for me anyway. Therefore, we will compare, respectively : One spell damage enchantment (174 spell damage) with an Arcane trait (870 max magicka) vs. one spell damage enchantment with an Infused trait (278 spell damage) : that is, 870 max magicka (Arcane) vs. 104 spell damage (Infused). There are some builds which focus on this.
[J.S.] ". I'm running mostly crit on my Sorc, but 31k max magic, 3190 buffed spell power. ... Staff Expert – Increases … Inferno Staff of a Mother's Sorrow Starting From 234. ESO Damage Dealing Basics. Equipment Sets That Affect Infused.
Strictly speaking if we consider that every 10.5 pts of Stam/Mag= 1 of Weapon/Spell Damage, then using this equals a net gain of about 21 weapon damage per ring/necklace. May consider pairing with Spinners to make up for the loss of sharpened.Hmmm... Good point there. Introduction. Besides, if you're a Tank, better off getting Triune anyway.